Friday, September 10, 2010

We Want a Pitcher, Not A Belly Itcher

Bailey's softball team is now part of the 10 &Under league. So what, you ask? Kid pitch - that's what! :)

Since Bailey started playing softball at age 4, pitches have always been thrown to her by her coach. Elliott Byers has done a great job, really taking the time to learn each girl's "sweet spot", and putting the ball right where she can smack it! The better your coach is at pitching, the more runs you score, the more games you win. It's simple math, really.

But those days are gone. Because once you enter the 10 & Under age group, a player will serve as the pitcher. Once she has thrown 3 balls, the batter's coach will be called in to complete the pitching for that batter. This prevents every batter from being walked and creating some snooze-worthy softball.

Bailey expressed an interest in becoming a pitcher last year, so we started her in private lessons with the Reinhardt College softball pitcher. She's had time to focus on her technique and learn at a slow pace. And, she's had time to practice and build her confidence.

All of that hard work was evident last night as Bailey debuted her pitching skills. She did a great job! She was so nervous before the game, but once she stepped out onto that mound, she was fine. STTTTTTTRIKE!

What a pleasure for me to watch her do something that she loves to do. I am so glad that I get to be a part of it, cheering her on from the stands!

In-between several pitches, Bailey would start shaking it on the mound, like she had ants in her pants or something. Somebody shouted, "that's her 'stay loose' dance." I smiled proudly. She gets the dancing part from me, ya know. ;)

Way to go, Bailey!


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