Not literally because that would be gross.
Here are a few of my favorite posts to give you an idea of what to expect while you're visiting.
Can I get you something? Coffee? Tea? Banana Split?
If you love running, then read this. If you hate running, then read this.
20 things a mother should tell her son
A funny letter to my children
Yes, hi. I'll take a latte of embarrassment with an extra shot of I'll never be able to come back here again.
My arch-enemy from college is famous now, but I'm not bitter... much.
My toddler is an F-U-a-Bomber
Child discipline? I'VE GOT THE ANSWER.
10 things I learned from having a colonoscopy
My son caused a stink at my daughter's softball tryout...and I mean that literally.
Donnie Walhberg kissed me and that's all I've got to say about that.
What NOT to say to a woman
Dear Diary, I'm sorry that I'm so immature, insecure and needy
My drunk-off against Charlie at Waffle House
How to scare the crap out of your husband.
Become fluent in "Toddlish"
Preparing for the Evolution of Dance video
Spray Tan 101: My Day as an Oompa Loompa
How to scare off your daughter's boyfriend
Just one more example of how I humiliate my daughter
What's a CODE 12? You don't want to know.
A beautiful poem that I wrote about giving people the bird
Sweet Stuff:
Summer Guilt from a Working Mom
What my anniversary dinner taught me about rich people and parenting
An angel saved my son's life
What 20 minutes can teach you
A sweet story about my messy kids
I'll Fly Away
A man taken way too soon
When I was a kid, my parents bought a video camera. The thing weighed a ton, and if you carried it around on your shoulder for too long, you had to see an orthopedist. I begged them to film me singing songs or doing skits every weekend. I'm so glad YouTube wasn't around then, but (ahem), it is now. Check out some of my zany videos HERE.
My Cancer Story:
One preventive visit saved my life. Read my cancer story HERE.