Monday, May 7, 2012

Did somebody say "dance challenge"???

Bloggers everywhere are having a Summer Dance Party and you're invited!

Kerry from House TalkN challenged bloggers to post dance videos on the first Monday in May, June and July, so check back for more ridiculousness.  This party is just getting started, y'all!

And I don't mean to give anything away about my next video, but, uh... fly girls.  There.  I've said too much.

When somebody challenges me to a danceoff, I call in reinforcements.  And by "reinforcements", I mean The Sprinkler, The Running Man and The Roger Rabbit.

Be sure to check out the entire dance party here.  The videos are freakin' hilarious, so I wouldn't recommend that you watch them with a full bladder just in case.  Or, you can follow the party on Twitter: #bloggersdance.

Werdyab's Re-Evolution of Dance.

And just for watching my video today, you will also receive The Making of The Re-Evolution of Dance  absolutely free.  All you pay is shipping and handling.  Check out this behind-the-scenes look at the total hot mess that eventually became a 6 minute dance video.

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  1. Love your video! Funny watching the "making of" too. Super clever and fun, you've got some dance moves girl! :)

    1. Girl, there for a while I was worried that Brian was going to site #bloggersdance in the divorce decree! ;)

  2. I would just like to say you are the wikipedia for 80-90's dance moves! Thank you for working so hard to make this and I say you GOT MOVES Sista!!!

    1. I've never felt that 90s dance moves have been property represented. This is my way of giving back. :) Glad you liked it!

  3. Bwahahaha! When you started dancing to NKOTB I about lost it. And the Making Of video is the icing on the cake - thanks for putting so much effort into it! From where I'm sitting (planted firmly on my butt, NOT dancing) it was totally worth it. :)
    P.S. Without you, I might never have seen my 1yo daughter dance to Funky Cold Medina, so again - thank you. ;)

    1. Robyn, I was a huge NKOTB fan back in the day! You should check out the post about my Donnie Wahlberg kiss on the cheek. (14-year-old) dreams really do come true:

  4. That was AWESOME! You ARE brave! Those moves are killer! Woo hoo!

    1. By "killer" moves, do you mean that MC Hammer cut my ab muscles into tiny pieces using a butter knife? Because that's what I felt like the next day. I'm way too out of shape to be dancing like that! :)

  5. Okay. Your video was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't use enough exclamation points to impress that upon you. And girl you look GOOD! And to top it all off, I was waiting for MC Hammer and you delivered!

    But I might have fallen in love a little bit when I watched your "Making" video. I wasted SOOOOOO much time making our video. Thank you, thank you for making me not feel so alone! And yes, I had to record on my phone too.

    One more time: A W E S O M E! Ellen

    1. I love exclamation points!!!!!! It's the best overused punctuation on social media!!!!! Girl, I was totally pickin' up what you were puttin' down in your video when you were talking about technical problems. Making this video almost drove me to drink (more). Thanks for sharing on Twitter, by the way. :)

    2. Speaking of sharing, I showed my 11 year old and 13 year old daughters. They were impressed and the general opinion was "Awesome." My 11 year old did say it looked painful. So consider yourself highly and favorably reviewed by a teen and a teen. That is something. Ellen

    3. Can your 11 year old daughter talk to my 11 year old daughter? Cause mine thinks I'm... well... "not awesome". GAH. It's like your Mom doing the snake or the sprinkler on the World Wide Web is embarrassing or something. ;) Thanks, Ellen!! I will definitely take all the tween "awesomes" that I can get!

  6. I think it's going to be tough for you and everyone else to top your video! You covered the whole history of American dancing! lol Good job.

    I also like the video showing your process. haha - nice touch!

    1. hahaha! Liz, it's like you read my mind! Last night, the conversations with my husband about next month's video included the words "recruiting professional dancers and a video editor." ;)

  7. Giiirrrrll!, You have some AWESOME moves!!!.

    I freaking LOVED your video!!!! And you can tell by because I am using !!!! A LOT!

    And I know how frustrating making a video can be. Vlogging is NOT for the faint of heart... or short tempered.

    Stopped by from #BloggersDance

    1. Seriously. At one point, I was ready to toss in the towel and post an old home video from 1985 of me dancing to Sussudio. (FYI: If my Mom ever offers to let you watch that video, please take her up on it. You'll have enough material to make fun of me until Lady Gaga starts shopping at the Gap.) I loved your video, by the way! I love car dancing, too. You? Me? Roadtrip? :)

  8. you are one talented dancer!!!! Wow...I'm so impressed!! Love your videos!!

    1. Thanks! My Dad is so proud that all those dance lessons were finally good for something! :)

  9. That was crazy amazing. You got the moves! I am a bit embarrassed by my sad chicks dance now. My kids just watched this with me and were hypnotized.


    1. If I can teach just one child the value of the Funky Cold Media, then my work here is done! ;)

  10. you win! What a fricken awesome video and the making of had me ROTFLMAO! Really.

    1. Thank you, Julia! :) I didn't plan to make a "making of" video, but then I watched all the footage and I was like, "THIS is better than the dance!" :) My poor husband deserves a special spot in Heaven. :)

  11. You are a GREAT dancer! This video (well, both of them actually!) rocked the howse!

  12. Oh my gosh, you rocked it out!!! I love this video - so good! From disco to rap, techno to r&b, there is nothing you can't do! I want dance lessons from you - unstoppable! And I was tired just watching the video - haha! That was some serious cardio lady!

    1. Thanks, Anna! Talk about cardio! I actually did my hair and makeup before shooting, but after having to do the dance so many times because of technical difficulties, you couldn't tell. What a waste of lip gloss! ;) Glad you liked it. :)
