After I taught the dances, Bailey said,
Uh... Mama. Could you pleeeease tone it down a little? It's kind of embarrassing.
And I said,
This IS me toning it down! I'm in church!
If this poor girl ever saw me in a dance club, she would probably lose her religion.
The play was called A Star of Wonder.
Bailey played a "shooting star", so we dressed her up like a cowgirl - complete with a pink cap gun! My nephew was a "falling star" who was always tripping and saying things like, Sorry I'm late, guys. I had to go twinkle. Hilarious. And my niece played the moon and danced in a Rockette-inspired number.
The Shooting Star |
I also helped out with the costumes and set:
Yes, I'll paint those stars with GLITTER.
Hey - do you know what would make that sign look even better? GLITTER.
Paige, let me see that hat. I need to spray it with GLITTER.
Bailey, would you like to borrow my GLITTER lipgloss for the performance?
Who wants GLITTER for their hair?
Sure - I can draw a four-leaf clover on this GLITTER paper.
Shaelyn, I think a GLITTER shirt would be perfect for your character!
That moon needs some silver GLITTER before you hang it up.
I'm pretty sure that I could rule the world with a can of glitter. Or at least make it look a lot more FABULOUS.
Glitter was everywhere! Yay! |
The play was performed exactly twenty-one years to the day after my sister Elise died. We have always collected stars in her memory, so it's no coincidence that Elise's nephew, nieces and big sister were singing about stars on that particular day.
Then later that night, after my two little stars were tucked into bed, Brian and I watched the movie The Adjustment Bureau. The main character's name was Elise.
Thanks for saying hi, Elise. We miss you, too.
With Elise in 1990 about a month before she died. |