Thursday, May 10, 2012

How to scare the crap out of your husband

Are you the sentimental type?  I am.  I would save every tissue that my kids ever blew their noses in if I could get away with it.  (Dumb health code.)

But I'm also a neat freak.  I want every closet, cabinet and square-inch of my house to be tidy.

So, uhmm, this presents a problem.  Because have you ever seen that episode of Hoarders when the house was completely spotless?  No?  Me neither.

It's like a serial killer who faints at the sight of blood.  Or a Victoria Secret model who loves an all-you-can-eat buffet.  Or a Mom who wants to go to the bathroom and pee ALL BY HERSELF.  They just don't go together.

Yesterday, I did my weekly organizing of the storage areas.

And you guys are still hanging out by the pool?  Pfft.  You don't know what fun is until you've organized your old photo albums by year, color and dimension!

That's when I came across my positive pregnancy tests.  Of course I saved them.  You didn't?

The tests from Bailey are almost 12 years old now.  I smiled remembering when a skinny, 25-year-old me took a pregnancy test before going out dancing with my girlfriends.  I was so sure that it would be negative that I didn't even look at the result for a half-hour.

Huh?  HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? (Well, you know what I mean.)

So I decided to read the directions.  Maybe two pink lines didn't mean that I was pregnant after all?

The instructions said that I would get the most accurate reading first thing in the morning.  Whew!  All I have to do is take another test tomorrow and it will be "accurate" and "negative".

Can you say "young" and "stupid"?  

So I took another test the next morning.  And it wasn't just positive; it was SUPER POSITIVE.  The two pink lines were so bright that I had to wear sunglasses to protect my eyes from the blinding glare.

I completely freaked out!  I was so scared that I wouldn't be a good mother.

Last night, I laughed holding that test in my hand because being a good mother came so naturally to me.  I couldn't believe that I was ever worried about it.  Even for a minute.

Then I looked at Drew's positive pregnancy test.  I smiled remembering when Brian and I decided to try and have a baby.

By the way, don't you hate it when people tell you that they're "trying to have a baby"?  TMI, y'all.  Just pour yourselves a glass of wine and turn on the "bow chicka bow wow" music right in front of me, why don'tcha?

So, uhmmm, we had been trying (ahem) to have a baby.  On Easter morning, I took a test and it was positive.  Thanks, Easter Bunny!

Even "trying" for a baby, I still completely freaked out!  How will I ever love another child as much as I love Bailey?

Last night, I laughed holding that test in my hand because my heart didn't divide like I thought it would.  Instead, it multiplied so that I could love both my children with my whole heart.  I couldn't believe that I was ever worried about it.  Even for a minute.

Needless to say, this walk down memory lane lasted longer than a Sex and the City marathon on Lifetime.

I NEEDED TO FIND A BETTER PLACE TO KEEP THESE TESTS.  But it was getting late.  And I was tired.  And that American Idol wasn't going to watch itself, you know.

So I put them in the bathroom drawer for safekeeping until the next day.  But the next day happened to include my husband's early morning search for some Q-Tips.

(You see where this is going, don't you?)

When Brian opened the drawer, this is what was in there....

But this is what he saw....

Amanda, wake up.  Is everything okay?
Well, everything was fine WHEN I WAS SLEEPING.  What's going on?
I was just making sure that everything was okay.  Is there anything that you want to tell me?
Can't think of anything.
Nothing?  Because, you know, whatever it is, it will be fine.

You can probably fill in the blanks on the rest of that conversation.

If the reality show Punk'd is reading this post, I'VE GOT THE PERFECT PRANK FOR YOU.  I'm talking about the stuff that April Fools Day legends are made of.

So if you ever want to scare the crap out of your husband, just let me know and I'll totally let you borrow my positive pregnancy tests.  IF THE PRICE IS RIGHT.

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  1. Okay first of all..that drawer! Seriously I am in awe. I am a self-proclaimed neat freak and my drawers are nothing but a hot mess no matter how often I clean them out and 'straighten' them up! Secondly, I also have saved my positive pregnancy tests and am now going to use them to scare the crap out of my husband next time he makes me mad! And lastly I am a new reader to your blogs and find them so funny and real! Thanks for the laughs!

    1. Sarah, this may or may not be a spare drawer that we hardly ever use and I may or may not have straightened it up just before taking the pic. :) Glad I could give you a good idea for an awesome prank! Email me when you scare the crap out of her your husband and we'll swap stories. :) And, thanks for reading!

    2. I laughed so hard reading this, but I just can't even get beyond the state of your drawer! I need you to fly to Florida and make my drawers look like that. How do you have so little in there and how does the "stuff" not slide around? I wish I could take a photo of one of my bathroom drawers and post it here, so someone will be moved to come start an intervention. -- And I couldn't pull off this prank, because of the state of my bathroom drawers, my husband wouldn't dare open one of them. :) So glad I discovered your blog through!

    3. hahaha! That is basically an empty drawer just for extra stuff. The drawers that we actually use on a daily basis look NOTHING like that one. :)

    4. who ever is reading this testimony today should please celebrate with me and my family because it all started like a joke to some people and others said it was impossible. my name is cayla mella i live in united states i am happily married with three kids and a lovely husband. Something terrible happen to my family along the line and my husband packed out of our house because of the little misunderstanding between us. i manage all through 8 months, no husband to support me to take care of the children and there come a faithful day that i will never forget in my life i met an old friend who i explain all my difficulties to, and she told me about a spell caster whose name is Dr Kasee of i was assure that everything will be fine and my husband will come back to me so i contacted him and explain my problems to him. After the wonderful work of Dr Kasee, my husband came back to me and today i am celebrating. i advice you if you have any problem email him with this email: and you will have the best result and get your problem solved.

    5. I am sharing this wonderful testimony to the whole universe of the earth concerning the wonderful works of DR OLUBAM, for what he has been doing in many people lives and also my also. I was having a greater challenge on my lover who I loved with the whole of my hearts not knowing that he was charmed by another girl who he is dating outside me….when I was seeing the challenges that is now befalling me and I can’t even cope with them anymore then I decided to email DR OLUBAM for some reproach and some consultations also….he told me that I don’t have anything to worry about because I am in the right place…he told me that there are some items that is needed to cast the love and binding spell together but is going to cost me some money which he told me and I send the money to him and he promised to give me reply between an hour time…when it was that time exactly, he called me that there are some things and words I have to pronounced by myself because my faith is going to set me free which I did according to his instruction….after some minutes my lover called me and was apologizing that he doesn’t know what go on with him that he was bewitched…so right now as I am writing and sharing this testimony my husband is now a humble man and respect himself well and also give me the maximum respect he has for me…….THIS IS THE DR EMAIL AT (DR.OLUBAMSPELLHOME@GMAIL.COM AND DR.OLUBAMSPELLHOME@LIVE.COM) WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF OLUBAM

    6. who ever is reading this testimony today should please celebrate with me
      and my family because it all started like a joke to some people and others
      said it was impossible. my name is Michael i live in Chicago i am happily
      married with two kids and a lovely wife something terrible happen to my
      family along the line, i lost my job and my wife packed out of my house
      because i was unable to take care of her and my kids at that particular
      time. i manage all through five years, no wife to support me to take care
      of the children and there come a faithful day that i will never forget in
      my life i met an old friend who i explain all my difficulties to, and he
      took me to a spell caster and and the name of the temple is called, DR
      Okundonor, i was assure that everything will be fine and my wife will come
      back to me after the wonderful work of Dr Okundonorgreatspell, my wife
      came back to me and today i am one of the richest man in my country. i
      advice you if you have any problem email him with this email: and you will have the best result. take
      things for granted and it will be take from you. i wish you all the best.


    7. just want to share my experience and testimony name is Louis from UK i was married for 6 years to my husband and all of a sudden,another woman came into the picture.. he started hailing me and he was abusive..but i still loved him with all my heart and wanted him at all cost?then he filed for whole life was turning apart and i didn't know what to do..he moved out of the house and abandoned the kids.. so someone told me about trying spiritual means to get my husband back and introduced me to a spell caster?so i decided to try it reluctantly..although i didn't believe in all those things? then when he did the special prayers and spell, after two days, my husband came back and was pleading..he had realized his mistakes..i just couldn't believe it.. any ways we are back together now and we are case anyone needs this man, his email address, his spells is for a better life.

    8. My name is Adams Bella, i live and work in Oxfordshire, UK. My life is back!!! After 2 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me with two kids, I felt like ending it all, i almost committed suicide because he left us with nothing, i was emotionally down all this while. Thanks to a spell caster called Dr.Trust of Ultimate spell cast which i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet, I came across several of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb,cure cancer,and other sickness, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and also spell to get a good paid job so on. He is amazing, i also come across one particular testimony, it was about a woman called Vera, she testified about how he brought back her Ex lover in less than 2 days, and at the end of her testimony she dropped his email.After reading all these, I decided to give it a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 48hours, my husband came back to me. We resolved our issues, and we are even happier than ever.Dr.Trust you are a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man. If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster, Try him anytime, he is the answer to your problems. you can contact him on ( or or call him +2348156885231. he is the best caster that can help you with your problems.

    9. I am joes candra, I promise to share this testimony all over the world once my boyfriend return back to me, and today with all due respect i want to thank DR.OSAUYI for bringing joy and happiness to my relationship and my family. I want to inform you all that there is a spell caster that is real and genuine. I never believed in any of these things until i loosed my boyfriend, I required help until i found a grate spell caster, And he cast a love spell for me, and he assured me that I will get my boyfriend back in two days after the spell has been cast. Three days later, my phone rang, and so shockingly, it was my boyfriend who has not called me for past 6 years now, and made an apology for the heart break, and told me that he is ready to be my back bone till the rest of his life with me. DR.OSAUYI released him up to know how much i loved and wanted him. And opened his eyes to picture how much we have share together. As I`m writing this testimony right now I`m the most happiest girl on earth and me and my boyfriend is living a happy life and our love is now stronger than how it were even before our break up. So that`s why I promised to share my testimony all over the universe.All thanks goes to DR.OSAUYI for the excessive work that he has done for me. Below is the email address in any situation you are undergoing a heart break, and I assure you that as he has done mine for me, he will definitely help you too. OSAUYILOVESPELL@GMAIL.COM that is his email address bye

  2. I love this post! So funny.

    & I still have both of my pregnancy tests too! :)

  3. OMG that would have been fun to do to my Love! But, I have framed my pregnancy test together with the first ehem... almost everything I could fit in that little frame :D
    And that little red dot on the map of the world stating you have a reader in "Almere" : that's me, all the way from the netherlands. Hope that won't freak you out!

    1. WOW. You definitely win the award for the person traveling the farthest over the internet to stop by for a visit! Thanks for reading. I would love to see your framed test 'n' stuff. I should probably do that with mine instead of leaving them lying around in random bathroom drawers. :)

      Sorry to say it's in Dutch, but I think the pictures don't need translating :D. I also linked to your post, hope thats ok. If you want, I can translate that part of the blog for you! And I found you because of that blogpost on Pinterest.. in the end its al small world we live in and we all are neighbours :D
      Happy mothers day!

  4. So funny!! Apparently I'm the non-sentimental type because I didn't save my pregnancy tests. But, next April Fool's day, I am totally finding a pregnant girlfriend and doing this to my hubs! :) Thanks for the laugh!

    1. Lisa, believe me, it's the best prank ever! :)

  5. Replies
    1. I'm sure the man died a thousand deaths. Bless his heart.

  6. Well..I think this calls for another baby :) YAY!!! LOL <3

  7. This was a laugh out loud, need a depends moment while reading. Thank you! I will have to remember this come April.

    1. Thanks, Lisa! But please tell your husband not to throw tomatoes at this blog on April 2nd. :)

  8. LOL! Now that is funny and makes me wish I kept my old positive pregnancy tests just for this occasion. :)

    1. Jen, I so wish that I could take credit for this prank, but I would have never thought of it on my own. Good thing the "scare the crap out of your husband" gods were smiling down on me! ;)

  9. ok THAT is funny!
    Poor thing!(Your hubby, that is) I can totally imagine this happening to sentimental, pack-rat me!

    Also, I think back to when before Brayden was born (all 2.5 months ago) and remember freaking out about how I was going to love both my kids! It's amazing how it works out that our hearts can be completely given wholly to each child! There's nothing like being a mommy! :)

    BTW I think you might get a kick out of one of my most recent fiascoes... I blogged about it. Check it out if you get a chance!

    1. Adrienne, I just read your latest posts and I think I might have nightmares about autoflush now. :) Funny stuff!

    2. I'm glad you liked it!

      Happy Mother's Day! :)

    3. Thank you! Happy Mother's Day to you, too! :)


    4. I was been suffering hardship from

      HIV/AIDS since 9yrs now, and i happen to

      have 2 kids for my husband, and now we

      cannot proceed to have another kids all

      because of my disease and now i have do

      all what a human like i and my husband

      can do just to get my disease healed, i

      have went to several places to seek for

      help not even one person could ever

      help, until i melt a comment on the

      daily newspaper that was commented by

      Rachael about how this powerful

      traditional doctor help her get cured of

      the disease (HIV-AIDS) " my fellow

      beloved" I firstly taught having a help

      from a spiritual traditional healer was

      a wrong idea, but i think of these, will

      i continue to stress on these disease

      all day when i have someone to help me

      save my life?" so i gather all my faiths

      and put in all interest to contact him

      through his Email address at

      Drayespellalter@.COM call+2348051095332

      so after i have mailed him of helping

      get my disease cured, i respond to me

      fast as possible that i should not be

      afraid, that he is a truthful and

      powerful doctor which i firstly claimed

      him to be. So after all set has been

      done, he promises me that i will be

      healed but on a condition that i provide

      him some items and obeyed all his oracle

      said. I did all by accepting his oracles

      fact and only to see that the following

      week DR.Aye mail me on my mail box that

      my work is successfully done with his

      powers, i was first shocked and later

      arise to be the happiest woman on earth

      after i have concluded my final test on

      the hospital by my doctor that i am now

      HIV- Negative. My papers for check are

      with me and now i am happy and glad for

      his miraculous help and power.

      With these i must to everyone who might

      seek for any help, either for HIV cure

      or much more to contact him now at these

      following email now,

      Email: ayespellalter@gmail.COM or call

      +2348051095332 “sir thank you so much

      for your immediate cure of my disease, i

      must say for curing my disease, i owe

      you in return. Thanks and be blessed


      His Email address ayespellalter@.COM

      call +2348051095332

  10. Love the blog...thank you pinterest! ❤

  11. Haha! This better not give my wife any ideas on how to prank me or else I'm holding you responsible.

  12. This was absolutely hysterical! You are an absolute hoot, even if it's on accident.

  13. I love this! I have all of my old tests and I just may be doing this intentionally very soon! Like maybe the next time he does something to make me a little angry????

  14. I am Mariam used every single spell worker on the internet, spent untold amounts of money and discovered they are all fakes...i was the fool though; doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. In the end, I decided that I wanted a tarot reading to know what my future held for me; I contacted a woman who lives locally to me and she told me about a man named (Priests Abija); he does not advertise on the internet, has another job for income, has no set prices, makes no false promises and refuses to help anyone that cannot be helped and even helps for free sometimes, he will give you proof before taking money. He is a wonderful man and he was the only person who actually gave me real results. I really hope he doesn't mind me advertising his contact on the internet but I'm sure any help/ extra work will benefit him here as +447053820826 or He travel sometimes.i cant give out his number cos he told me he don’t want to be disturbed by many people across the world..he said his email is okay and he’ will replied to any emails asap,love marriage,finance, job promotion ,lottery Voodoo,poker voodoo,golf Voodoo,Law & Court case Spells,money voodoo,weigh loss voodoo,any sicknesses voodoo,Trouble in marriage,HIV AIDS,it's all he does Hope this helps everyone that is in a desperate situation as I once was; I know how it feels to hold onto something and never have a chance to move on because of the false promises and then to feel trapped in wanting something


  15. I was crushed when my lover of three years left to be with another woman. I cried and sobbed every day, until it got so bad that I reached out to the Internet for help.And i saw a testimony of a spell caster who help a girl called michelle and i said let me give it a try so i contact him for help and he cast a love spell for me which i use in getting my love back and now i am a happy woman.For what you have done for me,i will not stop to share your goodness to people out there for the good work you are doing.I hope God blesses you as much as you have help me to get my Love back,visit him on is the only answer to your problemS

  16. Hello my name is Lydia i cannot hide this amazing testimony that took place in my life on how a powerful spell caster called Dr moju help me to bring back my love who left me whit six month pregnant and went for a peace keeping at Holland we both love each other it was a shock to me and it real broke my heart i try to call him both his line was not going i try to reach him on social net work but he deleted me off, , but i try to reach his parent they told me that their son said that he does not love me again and do not want to see me and they do not no what is wrong, i cry and cry everyday because i love him very much, until i give birth and the baby was one year i could not find my love back again i was confuse i do not no what to do and i also lost my job no money to take care of the baby,i was measurable in life i contacted some spell caster they could not help me out, until i cried to mine sister and tell him my problem, and said that he knew of one powerful spell caster that help her when she could not get pregnant, okay i said let me try i contacted him through i told him my problem and said he will help me and told me that a woman cast a spell upon my man and said he will help me broke the spell and my man we come back to me and be mine forever ,it was a greatest surprise to me that all what he said come to pass my man come back to me immediately saying that i should forgive him once again i am saying a very big thank to this powerful and real spell caster i pray for him to live long and do more of his wonderful work if you have any kind of problem disturbing you in life you have to contact this powerful spell caster that can help you.

  17. Hello my name is Lydia i cannot hide this amazing testimony that took place in my life on how a powerful spell caster called Dr moju help me to bring back my love who left me whit six month pregnant and went for a peace keeping at Holland we both love each other it was a shock to me and it real broke my heart i try to call him both his line was not going i try to reach him on social net work but he deleted me off, , but i try to reach his parent they told me that their son said that he does not love me again and do not want to see me and they do not no what is wrong, i cry and cry everyday because i love him very much, until i give birth and the baby was one year i could not find my love back again i was confuse i do not no what to do and i also lost my job no money to take care of the baby,i was measurable in life i contacted some spell caster they could not help me out, until i cried to mine sister and tell him my problem, and said that he knew of one powerful spell caster that help her when she could not get pregnant, okay i said let me try i contacted him through i told him my problem and said he will help me and told me that a woman cast a spell upon my man and said he will help me broke the spell and my man we come back to me and be mine forever ,it was a greatest surprise to me that all what he said come to pass my man come back to me immediately saying that i should forgive him once again i am saying a very big thank to this powerful and real spell caster i pray for him to live long and do more of his wonderful work if you have any kind of problem disturbing you in life you have to contact this powerful spell caster that can help you.

    My name is mary snoop I live in USA, . My husband and I have been living a very happy and lovely life. So as time went on, I began to notice this strange attitude that he was possessing. He was now having another girl friend called jane, to the extent that he was no longer picking up my calls, and he was not even sleeping in my house anymore because of this new girl friend. I became confused and didn't know what to do . So i became worried and stranded, , because I have never experienced a thing like this before in my life. So I decided to visit a spell caster online, to see if he can help me out. So immediately I went to the internet, where I saw an amazing testimony of a spell caster who brought someone's ex lover back,DR OGIDIGBI so I email him with his email immediately and I explained to him all my problems and immediately he reply to me that it will be very easy for him to solve, i have been helping people a situation like the one i have. And he also gave me some proof to be really sure of his work, and he assured me that my husband will come back to me immediately he is through with the spell casting. And also he told me to put all my trust in him, and I really believe him. So it was 9:00 am on the next morning, when I was about going to work, when i received my husband's call, and he told me that he was coming back home , and he apologized to me, and told me that he is very sorry for the pain that he has cost me. And after some minutes later, he really came back home, and that was how we continued our marriage with lots of love and happiness again, and our love was now stronger than how it were before. And he also told me that once my heart desire has been granted unto me that i should go and testify of his work right here on the internet. Right now I am the happiest woman on earth today as I am writing this testimony, and I want to really thank " Dr OGIDIGBI " for bringing back my husband, and for bringing joy and love to my life. My advice for you out there who your husband or your wife is acting strange or behaving the same way like this, or you have any problem with your relationship or anything related to do with spell casting, is for you to go and visit this VIA email:, and i assure you that he will be of help to you, and I am 90% sure that he will solve it out.
    Thank Dr ogidigbi


  19. Hello friends,my name is EMILIO i want to give thanks to the great Dr lala who helped me allot in getting back my love and also helped me in my financial problem.i was in relationship with ANTONIA both of us lived together in love and in happiness, suddenly she just work up one morning telling me that she is sick and tired of me i was so shocked and confused cause i never did anything wrong to her still i had to plead to her because i love her so much, but she still insisted to breakup with me, i tried all i could to get her back but it was not possible, after she left i was some how financially down i did not know what happened to my finance, so i decided to contact some spell casters which happens to be scams, i was frustrated then decided not to contact any spell caster again, one day i was watching a show when i saw a woman named TINA was giving testimony on how this great man named Dr lala helped her in getting back her lover within 24 hours so that was how i decided to give a try and i contacted Dr lala and told him about how she left me and my finance,the only thing he said was that i my lover will come back to me and my finance will come up again, that he is going to do all within 24 hours, so just decided to watch and see. in the next 24 hours which he said i got a call from her and she was pleading to me that she is very sorry for what she did to me, the most surprising thing was that the job i applied for in a company for almost 4 months, they just called and told me that i should come and start the work that am capable of doing the job, i was so surprised a tears of joy rolled down from my eyes,i was very very happy and she just came to my house and she started pleading to me, so i accepted her apology and now we are living happily together now, and am working in the company now am happy again. all thanks to Dr lala for helping me and for making my dream to come through. for help and for appreciation you can contact Dr lala through his email, or cel phone +2348158270343


  20. My Name is Mrs thirteenths .I will love to share my testimony to all the people in the forum cos i never thought i will have my girlfriend back and she means so much to me..The girl i want to get marry to left me 4 weeks to our weeding for another man..,When i called her she never picked my calls,She deleted me on her Facebook and she changed her Facebook status from married to Single…when i went to her place of work she told her boss she never want to see me..i lost my job as a result of this cos i cant get myself anymore,my life was upside down and everything did not go smooth with my life…I tried all i could do to have her back to all did not work out until i met a Man when i Travel to Africa to execute some business have been developing some years back..I told him my problem and all have passed through in getting her back and how i lost my job…he told me he gonna help me…i don’t believe that in the first place.but he swore he will help me out and he told me the reason why my girlfriend left me and also told me some hidden secrets.i was amazed when i heard that from him..he said he will cast a spell for me and i will see the results in the next couple of days..then i travel back to US the following day and i called him when i got home and he said he’s busy casting those spells and he has bought all the materials needed for the spells,he said am gonna see positive results in the next 2 days that is Thursday…My girlfriend called me at exactly 12:35pm on Thursday and apologies for all she had done ..she said,she never knew what she’s doing and her sudden behavior was not intentional and she promised not to do that was like am dreaming when i heard that from her and when we ended the call,i called the man and told him my wife called and he said i haven’t seen anything yet… he said i will also get my job back in 2 days time..and when its Sunday,they called me at my place of work that i should resume working on Monday and they gonna compensate me for the time limit have spent at home without working..My life is back into shape,i have my girlfriend back and we are happily married now with kids and i have my job back too,This man is really powerful..if we have up to 20 people like him in the world,the world would have been a better place..he has also helped many of my friends to solve many problems and they are all happy now..Am posting this to the forum for anybody that is interested in meeting the man for can mail him on this e-mail; , i cant give out his number cos he told me he don’t want to be disturbed by many people across the world..he said his email is okay and he’ will replied to any emails asap..hope he helped u out too..good luck his email;

  21. This great man made me to be the happiest woman today,my husband who left me two years ago because of a misunderstanding between the two of us,i was without a husband for two years,one day i travel to my friend place in Brazil so my friend i saw her with are husband back together so i was surprise to see them back because this man left my friend for more 3year now, so one day my friend call me and told me about this great man that help her to get back her husband so i now told her that she should take me to this great man that help her to get her husband,so she now said that i should contact him he can help me to get back my husband so she now give me the contact of this great man that help her so i now contact him, he now told me that my husband is going to come to me with the next 48hour,so the next day that make it 48hours i now go back to my country,as i was going home i saw a man in the front of my door sitting down so when i now got there i find out that it was my husband, he pleading to me that i should forgive him that now he is going to love me that he was sorry for everything that he put me turn all this pain so now i am happy and i am pregnant for him now thanks to this great man who help me and now i am happy,so people if you have problem with your husband or your lover contact this great man he will help he is the most powerful spell caster in this world and he does not use black magic or voodoo power he power is for the almighty God so i am happy to know him this great man email is drcubatemple@gmail. com or call him with this cell number +234806277418 my name is solomon joy country is USA

  22. who ever is reading this testimony today should please celebrate with me and my family because it all started like a joke to some people and others said it was impossible. my name is cayla mella i live in united states i am happily married with three kids and a lovely husband. Something terrible happen to my family along the line and my husband packed out of our house because of the little misunderstanding between us. i manage all through 8 months, no husband to support me to take care of the children and there come a faithful day that i will never forget in my life i met an old friend who i explain all my difficulties to, and she told me about a spell caster whose name is Dr Kasee of i was assure that everything will be fine and my husband will come back to me so i contacted him and explain my problems to him. After the wonderful work of Dr Kasee, my husband came back to me and today i am celebrating. i advice you if you have any problem email him with this email: and you will have the best result and get your problem solved.


  23. I also contacted this spell caster and he help me too here is my story.My ex-boyfriend dumped me 9 months ago after I accused him of seeing someone else and insulting him.I want him back in my life but he refuse to have any contact with me.I was so confuse and don't know what to do,so I reach to the internet for help and I saw a testimony of how a spell caster help them to get their ex back so I contact the spell caster and explain my problem to him and he cast a spell for me and assure me of 3days that my ex will return to me and to my greatest surprise the third day my ex came knocking on my door and beg for forgiveness.I am so happy that my love is back again and not only that,we are about to get married.once again thank you Kala are truly talented and gifted Email: is the only answer.he can be of great help and I will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man

  24. I am MECLOX from U.K, i am so excited i got my ex lover back at last and i am here to say thanks to Dr IRABOR of, the spell caster for bring back happiness into my life,i am so glad i contacted you for help thank you thank you,May you live long to continue helping people restore back their relationships and marriage problems,email

  25. hello everyone

    My name is Glory White this is to testify that priest omigodo is a great spell caster he brought back my lover in just 2days after both of us divorce 5years ago, now my lover is back and he is the kind of man i want him to be if you are in any kind of problem please contact him for fast spell and urgent response he can also be trusted contact him on his email address on : or call his personal phone number for urgent response on +2348079367204



  26. I am from USA,i hear how people are talking about The powerful spell caster called DR TRUST in regard of how he bring back ex lover,winning lottery,getting pregnant and getting married to their dream true lover and i also contact him to help me cast a spell in regard of my ex lover whom i love so much that left me 2yrs ago,but today my ex is back to me and we are happily married with 3kids and i am so much happy for the help i found in you DR TRUST. I and my family are very much happy and we are living large now,i am grateful and appreciate your good work of spell casting,thank you and may you leave long to help people in problems His email is

  27. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony.My husband breakup with me 2 months ago after (10) years of marriage just because he met another woman in his working place and he left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web for help, i saw a post on how this spell caster Dr Trust on this email,on how he have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply and explain my problems to him to his email and he cast a love spell for me which i use to get my husband back from the wicked woman who took him away from me and after 3 days my husband come back to me.I believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my husband. Thanks for Dr. Trust. His email: or

  28. I am Anabella Jude by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my husband after three(3) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address , have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my husband back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my husband. Thanks for Dr.Oduduwa. His email: Dr. Oduduwa.And his website on

  29. My name is joy and I base in USA...“My life is back!!! After 1 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me with two kids . I felt like my life was about to end i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time. Thanks to a spell caster called High Priest ADODO which i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet,I came across allot of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb,cure cancer,and other sickness, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. i also come across one particular testimony,it was about a woman called Sonia,she testified about how he brought back her Ex lover in less than 7 days, and at the end of her testimony she dropped High Priest ADODO 's e-mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give it a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 3 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. High Priest ADODO is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man... If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems for you. Try High Priest ADODO anytime, he might be the answer to your problems. Here's his contact:{}.

  30. I AM BELA i want to give thanks and i will always give thanks to DR.utimate who brought back my love that has left me for 6years within 48hours, i have said about this last week but i promised to always tell people about this every week end so that those that did not read about it last week will read about it this week, i have been looking for how to get this boy back to my life because i love this boy with the whole of my heart, i could not replace him with any body,one day i was watching my television when i saw a lady giving thanks to DR.utimate and telling the world how he helped her i was so shocked i could not believe it because i never taught that there are powers that can bring back lost love, then that was how i decided to contact him too because i do really need my love back,when i contacted him i told him everything and he told me not to worry that my love will surely be back to my arms within 48hours at first i could not believe because i was thinking how could somebody that has gone for 6years come back within 48 hours,so then i decided to watch and see,unbelievable within the next 48hours i got a call from unknown number so i decided to pick the call the next thing i could hear was my loves voice he was pleading and begging me on the phone that i should forgive him that i should forget all that have happened that he did not know what came over him,he promised not to leave for any reason, that he was really sorry for what he did,i was so surprised because i never believed that this could happen,so that was how i accepted his apology and the next morning he came to my house and still pleading for me to forgive him i told him that everything is okay that i have forgiven him, that was how we started again and now we are married, i promised to say this testimony in radio station, commenting this testimony is still okay but before this month runs out i promise to say this in radio station and i will,sir thank you very much.World please am begging you people to try and thank this man for me,or if you need his help here is his email

  31. It's awesome and amazing. My name is Jerry Mike from the United States. Getting my wife back is what i least expected and could ever imagine. I and my wife have been married for five years and we have been living happily but all of a sudden she changed completely and turned away from me but i never knew what was going on, and i tried to ask her but she refused to tell me what the problem is, and as time went on she sought for a divorce. I was so worried and confused. During my search for a way out, a friend of mine who had similar problem told me about a great spell caster called Great Ovoko who helped him with his situation. I never use to believe in spell casting in my entire life so i tried to give this man a chance because i never thought it will work for me but to my greatest surprise it got me a positive result and i was able to get my wife back. Even after the spell caster did his work, i discovered my wife fell so much in love with me unlike before. This spell casting isn't brain washing but he opened up her eyes to see how much i love and needed her. Now i am a happy man again and do not know what to do for him and so i am using this opportunity to tell anyone having similar problem to visit Ovokolovespell@gmail. com he will help you because he is so real and his spells is so powerful. Once again thank you Great Ovoko and may your gods reward you for your good deeds.....

  32. My name is joy and I base in USA...“My life is back!!! After 1 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me with two kids . I felt like my life was about to end i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time. Thanks to a spell caster called High Priest ADODO which i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet,I came across allot of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb,cure cancer,and other sickness, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. i also come across one particular testimony,it was about a woman called Sonia,she testified about how he brought back her Ex lover in less than 7 days, and at the end of her testimony she dropped High Priest ADODO 's e-mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give it a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 3 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. High Priest ADODO is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man... If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems for you. Try High Priest ADODO anytime, he might be the answer to your problems. Here's his contact:{}.

  33. My Names is Monique Curry ,AM from United states .i never believed in love spells or magic until i met this spell caster once when i went to Africa in June last year on a business summit i meet a man called Dr ogboni, is powerful he could help you cast a spells to bring back my love s gone misbehaving lover looking for some one to love you bring back lost money and magic money spell or spell for a good job i m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 4weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 3 year i really loved him, but his mother was against me and he had no good paying job so when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him at first i was undecided,skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try and in 6 days when i returned to taxes my boyfriend (is now my husband ) he called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married i didn’t believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid and my husband also got a new job and our lives became much better in case anyone needs the spell caster for some help his email address:

  34. Hello my name is Cassandra from Canada, My life is back!!! After 8 years of marriage, my husband left me and left me with our three kids. I felt like my life was about to end, and was falling apart. I contacted you and after I explained you my problem. In just 3 days, my husband came back to us and show me and my kids much love and apologize for all the pain he have bring to the family. We solved our is sues, and we are even happier than before you are the best spell caster Dr mako, i really appreciate the love spell you castes for me to get the man back to my life i will keep sharing more testimonies to people about your good work Thank you once again at ( in case you are in any problem you can contact this man for help he is always there in his temple to help you solve your problem Contact Email is (

  35. An amazing testimony on a spell caster who brought my wife back to me..
    My name is Andy Sowers,i live in Australia,and I'm happily married to a lovely and caring wife,with two kids.A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my terrible that she took the case to court for a divorce.she said that she never wanted to stay with me again,and that she didn't love me anymore.So she packed out of my house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get her back,after much begging,but all to no avail.and she confirmed it that she has made her decision,and she never wanted to see me again.
    So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my wife.So i explained every thing to her,so she told me that the only way i can get my wife back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for her too.So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow her advice. Then she gave me the email address of the spell caster whom she visited.{}.
    So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address she gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my wife back the next day.What an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my wife who didn't call me for the past seven {7}months,gave me a call to inform me that she was coming back.So Amazing!! So that was how she came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and she apologized for her mistake,and for the pain she caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster.
    So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same website {},if you are in any condition like this,or you have any problem related to "bringing your ex back.
    So thanks to the tatalovespellcaster for bringing back my wife,and brought great joy to my family once again.

  36. Hello to every one out here, am here to shear my the unexpected miracle that has happen to me three days ago, I came across a post online talking about how she got her ex back to her with the help of the great spell caster who happens to be high Dr momodo, that he helped her though i never believe this because i was just wondering how could this be, but i gave my self hope and i contact the spell caster. this is the unbelievable that has happened to me this December I was happily married and we had three kids, we lived together as one because we both loved each other but before i knew it, my husband started acting funny and cheating on me later on, he told me that he cannot continue with me so that was how he left me and my three kids without noting but there was noting i could do to stop him or bring him back to me I work so had to pay the children's schools fee and other responsibility i did this for good five years. I cry all day and night because i don't know what else to do to have my husband back to me until this faithful day i saw the post from one miss Nicole testifying how the high priest helped her to get her ex back I just wanted to try my luck because i never believe it will work but to my greatest surprise, am singing a new song i contacted the great priest on 2nd of December and he told me not to worry because once he finish caster the spell, that i will get my husband back the unbelievable happened on Friday when i got a call and I was surprise to hear my husbands voice apologizing to me that he is so sorry for keeping alone and came back home and we are happy together again wow, i really appreciate your good work great Dr momodo, God bless you and your good work for there noting else i can say than to tell the world about you. So if any one is out here seeing this post and you have similar issue like this, worry no more and contact the only man that can help you this email:

    My name is: Michael Redmond

    from USA.

    My Name is Mr James smith .I will love to share my testimony to all the people in the forum cos i never thought i will have my girlfriend back and she means so much to me..The girl i want to get marry to left me 4 weeks to our weeding for another man..,When i called her she never picked my calls,She deleted me on her Facebook and she changed her Facebook status from married to Single...when i went to her place of work she told her boss she never want to see me..i lost my job as a result of this cos i cant get myself anymore,my life was upside down and everything did not go smooth with my life...I tried all i could do to have her back to all did not work out until i met a Man when i Travel to Africa to execute some business have been developing some years back..I told him my problem and all have passed through in getting her back and how i lost my job...he told me he gonna help me...i don't believe that in the first place.but he swore he will help me out and he told me the reason why my girlfriend left me and also told me some hidden secrets.i was amazed when i heard that from him..he said he will cast a spell for me and i will see the results in the next couple of days..then i travel back to US the following day and i called him when i got home and he said he's busy casting those spells and he has bought all the materials needed for the spells,he said am gonna see positive results in the next 2 days that is Thursday...My girlfriend called me at exactly 12:35pm on Thursday and apologies for all she had done ..she said,she never knew what she's doing and her sudden behavior was not intentional and she promised not to do that was like am dreaming when i heard that from her and when we ended the call,i called the man and told him my wife called and he said i haven't seen anything yet... he said i will also get my job back in 2 days time..and when its Sunday,they called me at my place of work that i should resume working on Monday and they gonna compensate me for the time limit have spent at home without working..My life is back into shape,i have my girlfriend back and we are happily married now with kids and i have my job back too,This man is really powerful..if we have up to 20 people like him in the world,the world would have been a better place..he has also helped many of my friends to solve many problems and they are all happy now..Am posting this to the forum for anybody that is interested in meeting the man for can mail him on this e-mail; i cant give out his number cos he told me he don't want to be disturbed by many people across the world..he said his email is okay and he' will replied to any emails asap..hope he helped u out too..good luck his email;

  38. Tammie post: If you have any marriage problem or sickness Contact
    Thanks to great Dr oshogum for healing and saving my marraige. i am Tammie from canada. I have a boyfriend who I love and believes he loves me although he is afraid to say it recently a woman he was sleeping with before me came into a picture saying he is the father of her child I have a rather strong feeling she is lying and just being manipulative. what hurts me most is i have been trying to get pregnant for him because he want to have a child but for many months and for some reasons i havent been able to. he live the house to new place with old girl friend. i cry all night long praying and begging him to come back but he disconnect me from all the social nets and calls everything was just like a dream because he prove his love on every miniute till the day left for work and never return so i met with a marriage cancellor, she advice me and direct me to search for Dr oshogum if truely i love my man and to also solve my pregnancy problem. I searched till i found Dr oshogum, i contacted him with i did every thing he told me because I love Ryan with all my heart I want to be pregnant for him !!! And I want the Woman to leave us alone !! and i have lost about five men because of my pregnancy problem. january, three days after i finish what great oshogum ask me to do Ryan send me a massage of apology we relocated to a new court. he is very happy now because i was confirmed almost a week old pregnant. thanks be to Dr oshogum whom i will call my father because he treated like a daughter and he did not know me. he will help if you do what he ask of you!! contact him now


  39. I have a testimony to share,,My Name is Mrs Juliet am from the United State Of America am now 54years old Am a Medical doctor in California,I married for about 24years ago without any child then me and my husband go for an adoption of 2kids male/female.Last years something wonderful and gracious happened to me i came across this witch doctor in the internet that promise to help me get pregnant which i totally disagree,,,How can i be pregnant looking my age he ask me not to worry that he only specialize on pregnancy no other. That after the job has been completed there is no any side effect,that was how he told me what to do which i did, could you believe i miss my periodical time that same Month and i was pregnant.Today am now the happiest woman on Earth,,While am i testify to this site i know there are a lot of people that are in this kind of trouble some will decide to commit suicide. please just do and contact him for help make him to understand that Mrs Juliet from USA directed you, his email

  40. I am Norup Carissa from USA, i want to share a testimony of my life to every one. my marriage is restored after 2 year of broken marriage, i was in love with this man so much and we have been married for 6 years now with two kids. when he went for a vacation to France, there he meant a lady, and i tried every thing possible to reach him but i was unable to reach him so there was a day he called me and told me that he is no longer interested in the marriage any more, i was so confuse and seeking for help, i don't know what to do i was emotionally down so i day i came across testimonies about a spell caster called high priest ADODO, Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb,cure cancer,and other sickness, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. i also came across one particular testimony,it was about a woman called Wayne joy,she testified about how he brought back her husband in less than 3 days, and at the end of her testimony she dropped High Priest ADODO 's e-mail address. After reading all these, i contacted him and explained my problem he told me not to worry that my husband will come back to me but i never believe him, he told me what to do and of which i did, he told me he is going to bring him back to me within 3days. He also told me by three days he will re-unite me and my husband together. After three day my husband called and told me he is coming back, I was surprise when I saw him and he started crying for forgiveness. Right now I am the happiest woman,if you need any restore in your relationship or any other problem contact high priest ADODO, here is he his email address He might be of help to you.


  41. Greetings to you that is reading this testimony. My name is Celina Ramsay, I have been rejected by my husband after three(3) years of marriage, he left me and the kid to suffer, one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address, have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my husband back, i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back, and also (1) Have promotion in anything you do. (2 )Earn a good money. (3)Success in business. (4)spiritual problems solved (5) win court case. because i am now happy with my husband. His email again is

  42. with the love spell Dr.Kwale did for me, i was able to get my ex lover back within 2days and ever since my lover came back to me he is so committed to me and now he shows me so much and respect. with this opportunity i want to thank Dr.Kwale and also use this opportunity to recommend him to others that need his help to reunite/restore their broken relationship to contact him via his email or call him on +2348056141089

  43. Thanks to the great spell caster (Dr.Kwale) who help me to bring back my boyfriend of over 3 years back to me within 2days this man is real a great man the great spell caster i have ever seen in this life he is truthful and honest his words is final i will remain thankful to him he is my father my savior thank you Dr.kwale for your good work, i will advice everyone that need help to get their ex back to contact Dr,.Kwale on his email or call him via +2348056141089


    Thank you Dr OSOBA I never knew I could be happy again I cause my life turned in a mess by a guy named Joshua, cause the love I had for him was incomparable, I loved him with all my heart but he dumped me just because of a girl from a wealthy family, ever since then I have never been my self cause I love martins and think of him every seconds of my life so I cant just let him go like that cause I think he is the love of my life, so I decided to go on research on net on how to get lost lover back. At yahoo blog that was how I saw a lady who testified the great things which dr OSOBA did for her after reading I was convinced to give a try to dr OSOBA to see if he can help me also. So that was how I contacted him and told him my problem. So when I told him my problem he just told me not to worry that I will have Joshua back within 24 hours if I can come up with the necessary things which he needed, so I gave him what he need to do the work, so surprisingly I got a call from Joshua begging me to forgive him that he is very sorry for everything. I was so surprised and was short of words cause I could not believe what I was hearing. So that was how Joshua came to me and now we are living happily than ever before. My friends out there who needs help I will advice you contact dr okoko for help. You can reach him via: Isabella Sienna. From UK.

  45. My name is Mr Frank Silver,I live in Mexico,and I’m happily married with a lovely wife and three children. I had a very big problem with my wife few months ago,to the extent that she even packed her things away from me and my kids for almost 5 months,and i tried all my possible best and effort to bring her back,but all to no avail.I discussed it with a very good friend of mine,and he gave me an advice concerning a spell caster,and i quote.“There’s someone who can handle your situation,he’s always ready and able to do anything related to spell casting,i will like you to contact him with his email,which is as follows.”osobas Great Oracle Temple Solution”. I never believed in spell casting,but he convinced me and i had no choice than to follow his advice,because i never dreamt of loosing my lovely wife.And that’s how i contacted him with his email address,and i discussed with him and so surprisingly,he told me that I’ll get my wife back a day i never believed,until when i got home,the next day,my wife called me to inform me that she was coming back…..So amazing!! That’s how i got my wife back through spell casting and our relationship was now stronger than how it was before.One of the price i was asked to pay was to tell it to people around me that problems like this,can always be solved by “osobas Great Oracle Temple Solution”. So! my advice for you out there is to visit this same website,and tell him your problems too,if you are in any condition related to love issue or getting your ex back,to have a happy family.THANKS.... HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS CONTACT HIM TODAY VIA THIS EMAIL ADDRESS: AS HIS POWERS ARE SO STRONG AND VERY EFFECTIVE AND HAS NO BAD EFFECT INSTEAD IT HAVE A VERY GOOD RESULT AFTER CASTING THE SPELL.

  46. My name is Sharon Johnson and i want to testify of the good work done by a faithful Dr uko a spell caster. in my life i never thought there is such thing as spiritual intercession. my problem started nine months back when the father of my kids started putting up some strange behavior, i never knew he was having an affair outside our matrimonial home. it dawn on me on that faithful day 19th of April 21st 4:23pm when he came to the house to pick his things that was when i knew that situation has gotten out of hand and he then told me he was quitting the marriage which i have built for over five years, i was confused and dumbfounded i called on family and friends but to no avail. two months after i started having problem with my kids welfare rent-age and all of it, i really went through hell. until a day i was browsing on the internet and i happen to meet a spell caster i never believed on this but i needed my man back so i gave the spell caster my problem at first i never trusted him so i was just doing it but you know a problem shared is half solved after a week my husband called me telling me that he his coming back home and that was all. now we are living happily and i still do contact him on this

  47. HELLO i have read testimonies about this great spell caster called Dr. Ekpiku how he helped people to bring their lover back. so i decide to give him a try, i am here today to give my own testimony on how this great man brought my ex back within 48 hours for just to contact him. this girl has broke up with me over 6 weeks but she came back just within 48 hours that Dr Ekpiku said he will make her come back to me. just contact this man and he will bring your ex back here is his email address mail.

  48. Hello every one this is Elizabeth from USA i have a through life testimony to share in regards to how my beloved husband broke up and left me with two kids and started dating another woman,i have really been through hell in search for some one who could give me advice on how to get him back but all suggestion's and advice i got from my friends did not work and even i have tried to talk to my husbands parents he was so sturborn and never listened to me and all this make things worse until i was in a very busy shop here in Chicago when i heard a voice and i turned and i saw my cousin sister whom i have not seen for more than one year we then talked and she ask me how was my husband and behold i just remembered and i burst out of tears,she hold me and ask if thing is wrong i then narrated the whole story to her and she then refereed me to a powerful spell caster call Dr aluda and she gave me the email and instructed i should try him that Dr aluda have also help her when she had similar issue so i believed and gave it a try and Dr aluda made it clear that my husband was under a spell and glory be to God that after performing all necessary things my husband quarreled with her and just in two days he came looking for me and today we are happy and together as one family once more again. Thanks Dr aluda and if you are also passing through this please i advice you reach him on his personal email

  49. My name is joy and I base in USA...“My life is back!!! After 1 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me with two kids . I felt like my life was about to end i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time. Thanks to a spell caster called High Priest ADODO which i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet,I came across allot of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb,cure cancer,and other sickness, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. i also come across one particular testimony,it was about a woman called Sonia,she testified about how he brought back her Ex lover in less than 7 days, and at the end of her testimony she dropped High Priest ADODO 's e-mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give it a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 3 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. High Priest ADODO is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man... If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems for you. Try High Priest ADODO anytime, he might be the answer to your problems. Here's his contact:{}.

  50. My name is patrick stella, I have been through hell and pain,looking for a good and real spell caster who can help me get my husband back.I have been scammed so many times,by some who claimed to be real spell casters.until i found the real and great spell caster (DR.cuba) who helped me,and solved all my problems concerning my husband who left me since eight months ago.and after that i also took my friend along,who was also having the same problem concerning her husband,who left her since five months ago,and the problem was also solved by the same DR.cuba. Cant you see! the real and great spell caster is here,all you need to do now is to contact him when ever you are in any problem related to spell casting.It took me a very long period of time,before i could get this real and great spell caster.So right now is here,and the best for you to solve your problems all thanks goes to

  51. Hello my name is Cassandra from Canada, My life is back!!! After 8 years of marriage, my husband left me and left me with our three kids. I felt like my life was about to end, and was falling apart. I contacted you and after I explained you my problem. In just 3 days, my husband came back to us and show me and my kids much love and apologize for all the pain he have bring to the family. We solved our is sues, and we are even happier than before you are the best spell caster Dr mako, i really appreciate the love spell you castes for me to get the man back to my life i will keep sharing more testimonies to people about your good work Thank you once again at ( in case you are in any problem you can contact this man for help he is always there in his temple to help you solve your problem Contact Email is (

  52. An amazing testimony on a spell caster who brought my wife back to me..
    My name is Andy Sowers,i live in Australia,and I'm happily married to a lovely and caring wife,with two kids.A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my terrible that she took the case to court for a divorce.she said that she never wanted to stay with me again,and that she didn't love me anymore.So she packed out of my house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get her back,after much begging,but all to no avail.and she confirmed it that she has made her decision,and she never wanted to see me again.
    So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my wife.So i explained every thing to her,so she told me that the only way i can get my wife back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for her too.So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow her advice. Then she gave me the email address of the spell caster whom she visited.{}.
    So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address she gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my wife back the next day.What an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my wife who didn't call me for the past seven {7}months,gave me a call to inform me that she was coming back.So Amazing!! So that was how she came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and she apologized for her mistake,and for the pain she caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster.
    So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same website {},if you are in any condition like this,or you have any problem related to "bringing your ex back.
    So thanks to the tatalovespellcaster for bringing back my wife,and brought great joy to my family once again.

  53. Good day to anyone ready this testimony. I was heartbroken when husband moved in with another woman abandoning our family. So I had a spell to bring him back home and stop the affair he had with the new girl. In just 4 days he left her and went to live at the motel to cover his shame. He called to say so and also get news of the kids. The discussion was pleasant, as if he was changing to become the man I knew when we got married. Now he's back home and absolutely crazy in love with me and the kids. I am so thrilled by this spell that I can't find the right words to say how I feel right now. All I can decently say is that Dr. momodo, saved the most important thing in my life. My family gives thanks to you Sir for bringing back my husband home. If you passing true the same problems in your home contact Dr.momodo, for help on his Email:

    Name: Abigail Aidan

    Location: Laguna Niguel, CA, USA

  54. My Name is Joel mercy I want to testify of the good work of Dr AKPAKO who helped me in achieving the goals, i was in a relationship for 4year with my boyfriend and everything was going so sweet i loved him and i believed he loved me more than anything in this world after a while i noticed some changes in him so i knew something was wrong i tried to please him in several ways but no outcome, shortly i noticed he was seeing another girl i tried to make him understand that i loved him so much but he wouldn’t even listen, one day i read a testimony on a similar case a person testifying of the work of this great Dr AKPAKO even when i did not believe i was convinced by my girlfriend so i contacted him and let him know all my problems and he said i should not worry that everything will be okay for me, in 2days my lover came asking me to forgive him,so if you are going through any problem contact him he might be the answer to your problem, here is his email address. or call his mobile number +2348156784928

  55. i am here to give testimony of how i got back my husband, we got married for more than 9 years and have gotten two kids. thing were going well with us and we are always happy. until one day my husband started to behave in a way i could not understand, i was very confused by the way he treat me and the kids. later that month he did not come home again and he called me that he want a divorce, i asked him what have i done wrong to deserve this from him, all he was saying is that he want a divorce that he hate me and do not want to see me again in his life, i was mad and also frustrated do not know what to do,i was sick for more than 2 weeks because of the divorce. i love him so much he was everything to me without him my life is incomplete. i told my sister and she told me to contact a spell caster, i never believe in all this spell casting of a thing. i just want to try if something will come out of it. i contacted Dr papa for the return of my husband to me, they told me that my husband have been taken by another woman, that she cast a spell on him that is why he hate me and also want us to divorce. then they told me that they have to cast a spell on him that will make him return to me and the kids, they casted the spell and after 1 week my husband called me and he told me that i should forgive him, he started to apologize on phone and said that he still live me that he did not know what happen to him that he left me. it was the spell that he Dr papa casted on him that make him comeback to me today,me and my family are now happy again today. thank you Dr papa for what you have done for me i would have been nothing today if not for your great spell. i want you my friends who are passing through all this kind of love problem of getting back their husband, wife , or ex boyfriend and girlfriend to contact and you will see that your problem will be solved without any delay.

  56. Hello friends,my name is EMILIO i want to give thanks to the great OZALOGBO who helped me allot in getting back my love and also helped me in my financial problem.i was in relationship with ANTHONIA both of us lived together in love and in happiness, suddenly she just work up one morning telling me that she is sick and tired of me i was so shocked and confused cause i never did anything wrong to her still i had to plead to her because i love her so much, but she still insisted to breakup with me, i tried all i could to get her back but it was not possible, after she left i was some how financially down i did not know what happened to my finance, so i decided to contact some spell casters which happens to be scams, i was frustrated then decided not to contact any spell caster again, one day i was watching a show when i saw a woman named TINA was giving testimony on how this great man named Dr OZALOGBO helped her in getting back her lover within 24 hours so that was how i decided to give a try and i contacted Dr OZALOGBO and told him about how she left me and my finance,the only thing he said was that i my lover will come back to me and my finance will come up again, that he is going to do all within 24 hours, so just decided to watch and see. in the next 24 hours which he said i got a call from her and she was pleading to me that she is very sorry for what she did to me, the most surprising thing was that the job i applied for in a company for almost 4 months, they just called and told me that i should come and start the work that am capable of doing the job, i was so surprised a tears of joy rolled down from my eyes,i was very very happy and she just came to my house and she started pleading to me, so i accepted her apology and now we are living happily together now, and am working in the company now am happy again. all thanks to Dr OZALOGBO for helping me and for making my dream to come through. for help and for appreciation you can contact Dr OZALOGBO through

  57. Hello every one,i have a true life testimony to share in regards to how my beloved husband broke up and left me with two kids and started dating another woman,i have really been through hell in search for some one who could give me advice on how to get him back but all suggestion's and advice i got from my friends did not work and even i have tried to talk to my husbands parents he was so sturborn and never listened to them and all this make things worse until i was in a very busy shop here in new york when i heard a voice and i turned and i saw my cousin sister whom i have not seen for more than one year we then talked and she ask me how was my husband and behold i just remembered and i burst out of tears,she hold me and ask if anything is wrong, i then narrated the whole story to her and she then refered me to a powerful spell caster called Priest sunny and she gave me the email and instructed i should try him that Priest sunny have also helped her when she had similar issue, so i believed and gave it a try and priest sunny made it clear that my husband was under a spell and glory be to God that after performing all necessary things my husband quarreled with her and just in two days he came looking for me and today we are happy and together as one family once more again. Thanks priest sunny, and if you are also passing through this please i advice you to reach him on his personal email; or call him on +2348135049467.
    Name;susan martin.
    country;usa,new york.

    What a wonderful and a straight forward spell caster that has brought back joy and happiness into my life after i saw a post on how he helped a lady called ANGELA,i decided to contact him for help when i told this God sent man Dr luka on how my lover left me for 4 months without calling nor texting me,When i shared this my sad experience with Dr luka he said everything would be okay within 24hours i was like am i sure what this man is saying is real,So i decided to give a try and what even surprised me the most at first i was also thinking he was a scam i taught he was like other spell caster who come online to add pain to peoples pain not knowing there feelings but to make money,But this great man Dr luka is never like that his own is for good and make people to be happy with the one they love,Am just so happy,Even before the 24hours i just got a call from a man who has left me for 4 months saying he his sorry and that he wants me back to his life i was so happy,He invited me for a dinner which i meant him there and we both talked and he said he wants to prove that he would never leave me for any other lady he engaged me and also make me had access to all his account am so happy all thanks goes to this great man Dr luka a man who has brought back joy to my life,Please friends that needs help i would advice and swear that Dr luka is the right man and not those fake ones who are online to make money and not to help people,here is Dr luka's private mail
    Name;Bedine Ngandu, Country;USA,lexington,kentucky

  59. My name is joy and I base in USA...“My life is back!!! After 1 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me with two kids . I felt like my life was about to end i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time. Thanks to a spell castaer called High Priest ADODO which i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet,I came across allot of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb,cure cancer,and other sickness, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. i also come across one particular testimony,it was about a woman called Sonia,she testified about how he brought back her Ex lover in less than 7 days, and at the end of her testimony she dropped High Priest ADODO 's e-mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give it a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 3 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. High Priest ADODO is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man... If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems for you. Try High Priest ADODO anytime, he might be the answer to your problems. Here's his contact:{}.

  60. Am just short of words just confused and so happy don't know how to start, I never believed that a striaght forward spell caster still exist on the internet, After i have been scammed by lots of fake spell caster with lies i never believed i would ever meet a spell caster that will ever bring back Dennis to my arms again after 2 years of break up i could not leave without him, i was so sad and unhappy even lost my job because i was not concentrating anymore, i was always thinking of him, Then i came in contact with this God sent Dr Baba, Who has brought back happiness that left me for 2 solid years when i told him my problem he laughed and said everything would be okay within days, i was like hmmm is this real, So i decided to give it a try, after a few hours i was shocked when i got a call from Ron crying that he was sorry for what he has done to me i was so happy and a cry of joy fell of my eye's. Ron came over to my place and now we are together he can't do without seeing me for just a second all thanks and adoration goes to Dr Baba for what he has done for me. Please dont contact other spell caster online that are there to add pain to your life just contact Dr baba on is email

  61. I can't believe that through these details: and +2348182620374 i was able to get my lost lover back just within 48 hours. Well let me first of all give honor to whom honor is due by introducing the great man that brought my lover back called Dr.Zabaza. I had some issues with my lover which lead to a big quarrel and we eventually broke up, After the break up i felt very terrible with myself and i needed solution on how to get my lover back. So through Google i was able to get Dr.Zabaza contact details and i contacted him then the rest was history. So people no need to wonder around seeking for solution else where just contact Dr.Zabaza on +2348182620374 and and your lover will be knocking on your door begging you to accept him back

  62. Albert mike. I’m happily married with a lovely
    wife and two children. I had a very big problem with my wife
    few months ago, to the extent that she even packed her things
    away from me and my kids for almost 5 months, and i tried all
    my possible best and effort to bring her back, I discussed it
    with a very good friend of mine, and he gave me an advice
    concerning a spell caster, and he quote.“There’s someone who
    can handle your situation,he’s always ready and able to do
    anything related to spell casting,i will like you to contact
    him with his I never believed
    in spell casting, but he convinced me and i had no choice than
    to follow his advice, because i never dream of loosing my
    lovely wife, And that’s how i contacted him with his email
    address,and i discussed with him and so surprisingly, he told
    me that I’ll get my wife back in two days after the spell is
    done on her. so i never believed, until when i got home,the
    next day, my wife called me to inform me that she was coming
    back…..So amazing!! That’s how i got my wife back through
    spell casting and our relationship was now stronger than how
    it was before, One of the price i was asked to pay was to tell
    it to people around me that problems like this,can always be
    solved by DR,ozalogbo So my advice for you out there is to visit this DR,ozalogbo and tell him your problems too,if you are in any condition related to love issue or getting your ex back,to have a happy family.his email once again;

  63. Hello every one,i have a true life testimony to share in regards to how my beloved husband broke up and left me with two kids and started dating another woman,i have really been through hell in search for some one who could give me advice on how to get him back but all suggestion's and advice i got from my friends did not work and even i have tried to talk to my husbands parents he was so sturborn and never listened to them and all this make things worse until i was in a very busy shop here in new york when i heard a voice and i turned and i saw my cousin sister whom i have not seen for more than one year we then talked and she ask me how was my husband and behold i just remembered and i burst out of tears,she hold me and ask if anything is wrong, i then narrated the whole story to her and she then refered me to a powerful spell caster called Priest sunny and she gave me the email and instructed i should try him that Priest sunny have also helped her when she had similar issue, so i believed and gave it a try and priest sunny made it clear that my husband was under a spell and glory be to God that after performing all necessary things my husband quarreled with her and just in two days he came looking for me and today we are happy and together as one family once more again. Thanks priest sunny, and if you are also passing through this please i advice you to reach him on his personal email;
    Name;susan martin.
    country;usa,new york.

  64. my ex-boyfriend dumped me 8 months ago after I caught him of having an affair with someone else and insulting him. I want him back in my life but he refuse to have any contact with me. I was so confuse and don?t know what to do, so I visited the INTERNET for help and I saw a testimony on how a spell caster help them to get their ex back so I contact the spell caster and explain my problems to him?.. he cast a spell for me and assure me of 3 days that my ex will return to me and to my greatest surprise the third day my peter came knocking on my door and beg for forgiveness. I am so happy that my love is back again and not only that, we are about to get married. Once again thank you Dr dudu spell, you are truly talented and gifted contact his email:

    Caroline Jane,united kingdom...

    What a wonderful and a straight forward spell caster that has brought back joy and happiness into my life after i saw a post on how he helped a lady called ANGELA,i decided to contact him for help when i told this God sent man Dr luka on how my lover left me for 4 months without calling nor texting me,When i shared this my sad experience with Dr luka he said everything would be okay within 24hours i was like am i sure what this man is saying is real,So i decided to give a try and what even surprised me the most at first i was also thinking he was a scam i taught he was like other spell caster who come online to add pain to peoples pain not knowing there feelings but to make money,But this great man Dr luka is never like that his own is for good and make people to be happy with the one they love,Am just so happy,Even before the 24hours i just got a call from a man who has left me for 4 months saying he his sorry and that he wants me back to his life i was so happy,He invited me for a dinner which i meant him there and we both talked and he said he wants to prove that he would never leave me for any other lady he engaged me and also make me had access to all his account am so happy all thanks goes to this great man Dr luka a man who has brought back joy to my life,Please friends that needs help i would advice and swear that Dr luka is the right man and not those fake ones who are online to make money and not to help people,here is Dr luka's private mail
    Name;Bedine Ngandu, Country;USA,lexington,kentucky


  66. my name is Annmarie from CANADA, I want to thank the great EFE for what he did for me he brought happiness back into my life. My boyfriend left me and told me is over I was devastated as I loved him so much I decided to contact a spelI caster and I met a friend who told me of a great doctor and I decided to contact him and he told me in three days my boyfriend will call me and beg me to acept him I thought he was joking in three days everything happened as he said I am so happy now.You can also contact him at; for any kind of help, or call +2348106985072.

  67. I AM BELA i want to give thanks and i will always give thanks to DR.utimate who brought back my love that has left me for 6years within 48hours, i have said about this last week but i promised to always tell people about this every week end so that those that did not read about it last week will read about it this week, i have been looking for how to get this boy back to my life because i love this boy with the whole of my heart, i could not replace him with any body,one day i was watching my television when i saw a lady giving thanks to DR.utimate and telling the world how he helped her i was so shocked i could not believe it because i never taught that there are powers that can bring back lost love, then that was how i decided to contact him too because i do really need my love back,when i contacted him i told him everything and he told me not to worry that my love will surely be back to my arms within 48hours at first i could not believe because i was thinking how could somebody that has gone for 6years come back within 48 hours,so then i decided to watch and see,unbelievable within the next 48hours i got a call from unknown number so i decided to pick the call the next thing i could hear was my loves voice he was pleading and begging me on the phone that i should forgive him that i should forget all that have happened that he did not know what came over him,he promised not to leave for any reason, that he was really sorry for what he did,i was so surprised because i never believed that this could happen,so that was how i accepted his apology and the next morning he came to my house and still pleading for me to forgive him i told him that everything is okay that i have forgiven him, that was how we started again and now we are married, i promised to say this testimony in radio station, commenting this testimony is still okay but before this month runs out i promise to say this in radio station and i will,sir thank you very much.World please am begging you people to try and thank this man for me,or if you need his help here is his email

    My mouth is short of words, i am so so happy because Dr.ohehe
    has healed me from HIV ailment which i have been suffering from the past 5years now, i have spend alot when getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy, i have tried all means in life to always i can become Hiv negative one day, but there was no answer until i found from Dr.ohehe the paris of african who provide me some healing spell that he uses to help me, now i am glad telling everyone that i am now HIV Negative, i am very very happy, thank you Dr.ohehe for helping my life comes back newly without anyform of crisis, may the good lord that i serve blessed you Dr.ohehe and equip you to the higher grade for healing my life. i am so amazed. so i will announced to everyone in this whole world that is HIV positive to please follow my advice and get healed on time, because we all knows that HIV disease is a deadly type,contact Dr.ohehe for your Hiv healing spell today at: He will be always happy to assist you online and ensure you get healed on time, contact Dr.ohehe today for your healing spell immediately, thank you sir:

  69. Hello friends,my name is EMILIO i want to give thanks to the great OZALOGBO who helped me allot in getting back my love and also helped me in my financial problem.i was in relationship with ANTHONIA both of us lived together in love and in happiness, suddenly she just work up one morning telling me that she is sick and tired of me i was so shocked and confused cause i never did anything wrong to her still i had to plead to her because i love her so much, but she still insisted to breakup with me, i tried all i could to get her back but it was not possible, after she left i was some how financially down i did not know what happened to my finance, so i decided to contact some spell casters which happens to be scams, i was frustrated then decided not to contact any spell caster again, one day i was watching a show when i saw a woman named TINA was giving testimony on how this great man named Dr OZALOGBO helped her in getting back her lover within 24 hours so that was how i decided to give a try and i contacted Dr OZALOGBO and told him about how she left me and my finance,the only thing he said was that i my lover will come back to me and my finance will come up again, that he is going to do all within 24 hours, so just decided to watch and see. in the next 24 hours which he said i got a call from her and she was pleading to me that she is very sorry for what she did to me, the most surprising thing was that the job i applied for in a company for almost 4 months, they just called and told me that i should come and start the work that am capable of doing the job, i was so surprised a tears of joy rolled down from my eyes,i was very very happy and she just came to my house and she started pleading to me, so i accepted her apology and now we are living happily together now, and am working in the company now am happy again. all thanks to Dr OZALOGBO for helping me and for making my dream to come through. for help and for appreciation you can contact Dr OZALOGBO through

  70. Hello friends,my name is EMILIO i want to give thanks to the great OZALOGBO who helped me allot in getting back my love and also helped me in my financial problem.i was in relationship with ANTHONIA both of us lived together in love and in happiness, suddenly she just work up one morning telling me that she is sick and tired of me i was so shocked and confused cause i never did anything wrong to her still i had to plead to her because i love her so much, but she still insisted to breakup with me, i tried all i could to get her back but it was not possible, after she left i was some how financially down i did not know what happened to my finance, so i decided to contact some spell casters which happens to be scams, i was frustrated then decided not to contact any spell caster again, one day i was watching a show when i saw a woman named TINA was giving testimony on how this great man named Dr OZALOGBO helped her in getting back her lover within 24 hours so that was how i decided to give a try and i contacted Dr OZALOGBO and told him about how she left me and my finance,the only thing he said was that i my lover will come back to me and my finance will come up again, that he is going to do all within 24 hours, so just decided to watch and see. in the next 24 hours which he said i got a call from her and she was pleading to me that she is very sorry for what she did to me, the most surprising thing was that the job i applied for in a company for almost 4 months, they just called and told me that i should come and start the work that am capable of doing the job, i was so surprised a tears of joy rolled down from my eyes,i was very very happy and she just came to my house and she started pleading to me, so i accepted her apology and now we are living happily together now, and am working in the company now am happy again. all thanks to Dr OZALOGBO for helping me and for making my dream to come through. for help and for appreciation you can contact Dr OZALOGBO through

  71. my ex-boyfriend dumped me 8 months ago after I caught him of having an affair with someone else and insulting him. I want him back in my life but he refuse to have any contact with me. I was so confuse and don?t know what to do, so I visited the INTERNET for help and I saw a testimony on how a spell caster help them to get their ex back so I contact the spell caster and explain my problems to him?.. he cast a spell for me and assure me of 3 days that my ex will return to me and to my greatest surprise the third day my peter came knocking on my door and beg for forgiveness. I am so happy that my love is back again and not only that, we are about to get married. Once again thank you Dr dudu spell, you are truly talented and gifted contact his email:

    Caroline Jane,united kingdom...

  72. Hello every one,i have a true life testimony to share in regards to how my beloved husband broke up and left me with two kids and started dating another woman,i have really been through hell in search for some one who could give me advice on how to get him back but all suggestion's and advice i got from my friends did not work and even i have tried to talk to my husbands parents he was so sturborn and never listened to them and all this make things worse until i was in a very busy shop here in new york when i heard a voice and i turned and i saw my cousin sister whom i have not seen for more than one year we then talked and she ask me how was my husband and behold i just remembered and i burst out of tears,she hold me and ask if anything is wrong, i then narrated the whole story to her and she then refered me to a powerful spell caster called Priest sunny and she gave me the email and instructed i should try him that Priest sunny have also helped her when she had similar issue, so i believed and gave it a try and priest sunny made it clear that my husband was under a spell and glory be to God that after performing all necessary things my husband quarreled with her and just in two days he came looking for me and today we are happy and together as one family once more again. Thanks priest sunny, and if you are also passing through this please i advice you to reach him on his personal email; or call him on +2348135049467.
    Name;susan martin.
    country;usa,new york.

  73. My name is Andrea Ramsay from USA My boyfriend and I were happy as far as I could tell and I never thought that we would break up. When his cousin died in a tragic car accident he went back to Philippine for a week to be with his family. I could not go because I was in the middle of entertaining out of town clients for work. He did not seem to be upset that I could not go so I let him be. The next thing that I know, he reconnected with an old friend from high school that he had a crush on years ago and they started to have an affair! I had no clue what was going on until a month after he came back from Philippine.He proceeded to see both her and I until I caught him testing her one night. I confronted him and he told me the truth about what happened. We broke up and went our separate ways. Neither of us fought for our relationship. I was angry and decided not to be upset about it and just keep it moving. Then after about a month of not speaking to him I became sad. I wanted him to tell me that he wanted to be with me and not her. I contacted Dr.Agu for a love spell and he totally helped me! he was able to get him to miss me to where he wanted to get back together again. He had a lot of regrets and felt bad for not fighting to keep me and for cheating in general. He values our relationship so much more now and we are together now! You can also get your lover back with the help of Dr. Agu contact him through his email:

  74. An amazing testimony on a spell caster who brought my wife back to me..
    My name is Andy Sowers,i live in Australia,and I'm happily married to a lovely and caring wife,with two kids.A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my terrible that she took the case to court for a divorce.she said that she never wanted to stay with me again,and that she didn't love me anymore.So she packed out of my house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get her back,after much begging,but all to no avail.and she confirmed it that she has made her decision,and she never wanted to see me again.
    So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my wife.So i explained every thing to her,so she told me that the only way i can get my wife back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for her too.So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow her advice. Then she gave me the email address of the spell caster whom she visited.{}.
    So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address she gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my wife back the next day.What an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my wife who didn't call me for the past seven {7}months,gave me a call to inform me that she was coming back.So Amazing!! So that was how she came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and she apologized for her mistake,and for the pain she caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster.
    So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same website {},if you are in any condition like this,or you have any problem related to "bringing your ex back.
    So thanks to the tatalovespellcaster for bringing back my wife,and brought great joy to my family once again.

  75. Good day to anyone ready this testimony. I was heartbroken when husband moved in with another woman abandoning our family. So I had a spell to bring him back home and stop the affair he had with the new girl. In just 4 days he left her and went to live at the motel to cover his shame. He called to say so and also get news of the kids. The discussion was pleasant, as if he was changing to become the man I knew when we got married. Now he's back home and absolutely crazy in love with me and the kids. I am so thrilled by this spell that I can't find the right words to say how I feel right now. All I can decently say is that Dr. momodo, saved the most important thing in my life. My family gives thanks to you Sir for bringing back my husband home. If you passing true the same problems in your home contact Dr.momodo, for help on his Email:

    Name: Abigail Aidan

    Location: Laguna Niguel, CA, USA

  76. Thank you Dr Sambo from you are the best spell caster that i have ever seen in my life the spell you casted for me have work very perfectly my ex boyfriend who left me for over 3weeks now is back and apologizing for me to come back to him that he is very sorry for the pain he cost me and i am so happy Doctor your spell is nice and make me fill alive again i will keep sharing you good work all over the world about the good spell you cast for me to get John back and i will also give your email address to everybody who is in need of help like you told me that you can cast a spell to bring ex back, Money spell, Protection spell, lotto spell, Good job spell, You want to have a baby spell, Love spell, and many other spell you told me you can cast for me if i need them i hope you will find a place to help other so they can give testimonies like me. Doctor Sambo please help others many people are having problem try to get help from people but there is nobody like you to help them solve their problem like you do Dr Sambo if anyone need the help of this nice man contact him via this email best regards to Dr Sambo your child Emily from USA


  77. 'My name is Mr Luis Bright,i live in Mexico,and happily married with a lovely wife and three children.I had a very big problem with my wife few months ago,to the extent that she even packed her things away from me and my kids for almost 5 months,and i tried all my possible best and effort to bring her back,but all to no avail.I discussed it with a very good friend of mine,and he gave me an advice concerning a spell caster,and i quote someone who can handle your situation,he is always ready and able to do anything related to spell casting,i will like you to contact him with his email,which is as I never believed in spell casting,but he convinced me and i had no choice than to follow his advice,because i never dream t of loosing my lovely wife.And that is how i contacted him with his email address,and i discussed with him and so surprisingly,he told me that I will get my wife back a day i never believed,until when i got home,the next day,my wife called me to inform me that she was coming back to me.....So amazing!! That is how i got my wife back through spell casting and our relationship was now stronger than how it was before.One of the price i was asked to pay was to tell it to people around me that problems like this,can always be solved by So! my advice for you out there is to visit this same and tell him your problems too,if you are in any condition related to love issue or getting your ex back,to have a happy


  78. 'My name is Mr Luis Bright,i live in Mexico,and happily married with a lovely wife and three children.I had a very big problem with my wife few months ago,to the extent that she even packed her things away from me and my kids for almost 5 months,and i tried all my possible best and effort to bring her back,but all to no avail.I discussed it with a very good friend of mine,and he gave me an advice concerning a spell caster,and i quote someone who can handle your situation,he is always ready and able to do anything related to spell casting,i will like you to contact him with his email,which is as I never believed in spell casting,but he convinced me and i had no choice than to follow his advice,because i never dream t of loosing my lovely wife.And that is how i contacted him with his email address,and i discussed with him and so surprisingly,he told me that I will get my wife back a day i never believed,until when i got home,the next day,my wife called me to inform me that she was coming back to me.....So amazing!! That is how i got my wife back through spell casting and our relationship was now stronger than how it was before.One of the price i was asked to pay was to tell it to people around me that problems like this,can always be solved by So! my advice for you out there is to visit this same and tell him your problems too,if you are in any condition related to love issue or getting your ex back,to have a happy

  79. Hello friends,my name is EMILIO i want to give thanks to the great OZALOGBO who helped me allot in getting back my love and also helped me in my financial problem.i was in relationship with ANTHONIA both of us lived together in love and in happiness, suddenly she just work up one morning telling me that she is sick and tired of me i was so shocked and confused cause i never did anything wrong to her still i had to plead to her because i love her so much, but she still insisted to breakup with me, i tried all i could to get her back but it was not possible, after she left i was some how financially down i did not know what happened to my finance, so i decided to contact some spell casters which happens to be scams, i was frustrated then decided not to contact any spell caster again, one day i was watching a show when i saw a woman named TINA was giving testimony on how this great man named Dr OZALOGBO helped her in getting back her lover within 24 hours so that was how i decided to give a try and i contacted Dr OZALOGBO and told him about how she left me and my finance,the only thing he said was that i my lover will come back to me and my finance will come up again, that he is going to do all within 24 hours, so just decided to watch and see. in the next 24 hours which he said i got a call from her and she was pleading to me that she is very sorry for what she did to me, the most surprising thing was that the job i applied for in a company for almost 4 months, they just called and told me that i should come and start the work that am capable of doing the job, i was so surprised a tears of joy rolled down from my eyes,i was very very happy and she just came to my house and she started pleading to me, so i accepted her apology and now we are living happily together now, and am working in the company now am happy again. all thanks to Dr OZALOGBO for helping me and for making my dream to come through. for help and for appreciation you can contact Dr OZALOGBO through

  80. i am giving this testimony cos l am happy My name is mrs. Lara Mark from Houston,taxes.i never believed in love spells or magic until i met this spell caster once. when i went to Africa in December this year on a business summit. i ment a man called dr. UKOSE.He is powerful he could help you cast a spells to bring back my love’s gone,misbehaving lover looking for some one to love you, bring back lost money and magic money spell or spell for a good job.i’m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 3 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 2 years… i really loved him, but his mother was against me and he had no good paying job. so when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to first i was undecided,skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try. and in 6 days when i returned to taxes, my boyfriend (is now my husband ) he called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married..i didn’t believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do… well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid,and my husband also got a new job and our lives became much better. in case anyone needs the spell caster for some help, email address Great UKOSE i thank you very much thank you in 1000000 times.. if not you i would have been losted and wasted thank you. please make sure you contact him for any financial difficulties okay.. What a powerful man such as DrUKOSE.. he is so much powerful..\\ email him for any difficulties..

  81. My Name is Cynthia Jerry i have a testimony to say; I have been married for five years without any child, nor pregnancy and so i became very sad and lost hope in life because my doctor told me there is no way for me to get pregnant and this really make life so hard for me and this made my husband to turn away from me. My sister in-law told me about DR ASOKA from the Internet, how he has helped people with this similar problem that i am going through so i contacted him and explained to him. He told me not to worry and that everything we soon be okay. He cast a spell and it was a miracle, to my greatest surprise three days later my husband came back to apologize for all he has done and told me he is fully ready to support me in any thing i want,few months later i got pregnant and gave birth to twins (girls) we are now a happy family. Thanks to DR ASOKA for saving my relationship and for also helping others too. continue your good work, If you are interested to contact DR ASOKA for your solution now EMAIL him at ( drasokasolutionhome@outlook . com) for any help you want him to do for you. Thank you Great DR. once again and may your gods reward you for your good deeds.

  82. I AM Dora Sandy i want to give thanks and i will always give thanks to Priest ina who brought back my divorce husband that has left me for 6years within 48hours,i have said about this last week but i promised to always tell people about this every weekend so that those that did not read about it last week will read about it this week,i have been looking for how to get pregnant and how to get my divorce husband back to my life because i love him with the whole of my heart,i could not replace him with any body,one day i was watching my television when i saw a lady giving thanks to priest ina and telling the world how he helped her i was so shocked i could not believe it because i never taught that there are powers that can bring back lost marriage,then that was how i decided to contact him too because i do really need my divorce husband back,when i contacted him i told him everything and he told me not to worry that my divorce husband will surely be back to me, within 48hours at first i could not believe because i was thinking how could somebody that has gone for 6years come back within 48 hours,so then i decided to watch and see,unbelievable within the next 48hours i got a call from unknown number so i pick the call the next thing i could hear was my husbands voice he was pleading and begging me on the phone that i should forgive him that i should forget all that have happened that he did not know what came over him,he promised not to leave for any reason,that he was really sorry for what he did,i was so surprised because i never believed that this could happen,so that was how i accepted his apology and the next morning he came back home to meet me and still pleading for me to forgive him i told him that everything is okay that i have forgiven him,that was how we started again and he has Chang,i promised to say this testimony in radio station,commenting this testimony that now am pregnant,but still okay before this month runs out i promise to say this in radio station and i will sir, thank you very much.World please am begging you people to try and help me thank this man for me,or if you need his help here is his email address or you can also reach him through his mobile number,+2348037002415*

  83. My name is veronica from Canada I have to give this miraculous testimony, which is still unbelievable to me until now. I had a problem with my husband 5years ago, which lead to our break up. when he broke up with me, I was not my self again, i felt so empty inside me, my love and financial situation became worst, until a close friend of mine Lucy told me about a spell caster who helped her in the same problem, his name is Dr ADE. I email Dr ADE the spell caster and i told him my problem and, i did what he asked of me, to cut the long story short. Before i knew what was happening my husband called me and told me that he was coming back to me in just 2days and i was so happy to have him back to me. We have two kids together and we are happy. Thanks to Dr ADE for saving my relationship and for also saving others own too. continue your good work sir, If you are interested to contact him and testify this blessings like me, the great spell caster email address is ( or call his mobile number +2348156784928 you are the best among all the spell caster online I hope you see my testimonies and also pray for my family too.(

  84. i am miss MONICA from U K, I promise to share this testimony all over the world once my boyfriend return back to me, and today with all due respect i want to thank DR.UKO for bringing joy and happiness to my relationship and my family. I want to inform you all that there is a spell caster that is real and genuine. I never believed in any of these things until i loosed my boyfriend, I required help until i found a grate spell caster, And he cast a love spell for me, and he assured me that I will get my boyfriend back in two days after the spell has been cast. two days later, my phone rang, and so shockingly, it was my boyfriend who has not called me for past 10 years now, and made an apology for the heart break, and told me that he is ready to be my back bone till the rest of his life with me. DR.UKO released him up to know how much i loved and wanted him. And opened his eyes to picture how much we have share together. As I'm writing this testimony right now I'm the most happiest girl on earth and me and my boyfriend is living a happy life and our love is now stronger than how it were even before our break up. So that's why I promised to share my testimony all over the universe.All thanks goes to DR.UKO for the excessive work that he has done for me. Below is the email address in situation you are undergoing a heart break, and I assure you that as she has done mine for me, she will definitely help you too.

  85. i am miss MONICA from U K, I promise to share this testimony all over the world once my boyfriend return back to me, and today with all due respect i want to thank DR.UKO for bringing joy and happiness to my relationship and my family. I want to inform you all that there is a spell caster that is real and genuine. I never believed in any of these things until i loosed my boyfriend, I required help until i found a grate spell caster, And he cast a love spell for me, and he assured me that I will get my boyfriend back in two days after the spell has been cast. two days later, my phone rang, and so shockingly, it was my boyfriend who has not called me for past 10 years now, and made an apology for the heart break, and told me that he is ready to be my back bone till the rest of his life with me. DR.UKO released him up to know how much i loved and wanted him. And opened his eyes to picture how much we have share together. As I'm writing this testimony right now I'm the most happiest girl on earth and me and my boyfriend is living a happy life and our love is now stronger than how it were even before our break up. So that's why I promised to share my testimony all over the universe.All thanks goes to DR.UKO for the excessive work that he has done for me. Below is the email address in situation you are undergoing a heart break, and I assure you that as she has done mine for me, she will definitely help you too.


  86. I want to share my testimony to you all which i believe you can still try your best to give a testimony like this so i was married to Jose at first will both love each other but short time he started a new behavior which i cannot even explain to any one then i keep it to my self hopping one day he will change for good no way he did not change so i was in pain every day don't no what to do on till one day when a friend of mine visited me in my office she met me crying then she was asking me what is going on i try to be cam but i could not then i open up to her telling me there is a way out which i will do before he left me with my kids i look up and not knowing what to do then i ask her to tell me. shortly she open up to me and say there is a man called Dr Idibia he is a spirit man he can do it with in three days then i look an said okay i will try my best to contact him four days later, my husband did not come home i called his phone switch off then i try my possible best i did not hear from him so i began to look for one way for a help so i remember my friend told me about one man call Dr Idibia i quickly run to my friend asking her if she still have Dr Idibia contact then she gave it to me that was how i contacted this great man of spirit he did it for me so quick so now i can now control my husband in any thing even i can tell him that i don't want him outside today he will not. Now i have a happy family so via email GREATIDIBIASPELLTEMPLE30@GMAIL.COM OR CALL +2348103508204 he will do it for you as he did for me susan


  87. I want to share my testimony to you all which i believe you can still try your best to give a testimony like this so i was married to Jose at first will both love each other but short time he started a new behavior which i cannot even explain to any one then i keep it to my self hopping one day he will change for good no way he did not change so i was in pain every day don't no what to do on till one day when a friend of mine visited me in my office she met me crying then she was asking me what is going on i try to be cam but i could not then i open up to her telling me there is a way out which i will do before he left me with my kids i look up and not knowing what to do then i ask her to tell me. shortly she open up to me and say there is a man called Dr Idibia he is a spirit man he can do it with in three days then i look an said okay i will try my best to contact him four days later, my husband did not come home i called his phone switch off then i try my possible best i did not hear from him so i began to look for one way for a help so i remember my friend told me about one man call Dr Idibia i quickly run to my friend asking her if she still have Dr Idibia contact then she gave it to me that was how i contacted this great man of spirit he did it for me so quick so now i can now control my husband in any thing even i can tell him that i don't want him outside today he will not. Now i have a happy family so via email GREATIDIBIASPELLTEMPLE30@GMAIL.COM OR CALL +2348103508204 he will do it for you as he did for me susan

  88. After going through speck testimony, i was amazed and was thinking if it was true, i contacted Dr.Okalo urgently for help on getting back by EX, Daniel Valdez was the love of my life and i really loved him.So when i shared everything with Dr.Okalo he said my lover will be back to me within 24hours i was like 24hours he said yes.Really the most amazing thing was that the time was not up to 24hours a man who left me for almost 4years i got a call from him...Sharing tears that he wants to see me..i said he should come over which he did.He cried and said i should forgive him.i said i have and he said he wants to prove himself that he will never leave me for another he gave me access to his account and me is beneficiary.Am so happy and grateful to Dr.Okalo for what he has done for me bringing back joy to my life. He just told me to tell friends and more people to contact him for any kind of solutions, Friends Dr.Okalo is a man you can contact for help and he is trustworthy.Here his is private mail or cell number +2348163395533

  89. I have been in great bondage for almost 2 years suffering in the hands of a cheating husband,we were happy and leaving well until he meant his old time time gilr friend and he started dating her outside our marriage before you knew it he stooped caring and taking care of his own family it was to the extent that now he was planning to get married to her and divorce his own wife, i have cried and reported him to his family but he never listened to any one but to cut my story short i came in search for a real spell caster who could destroy their relationship and make him come back to his wife and 2 kids on my search i saw people making testimony on how their marriage where restored by Priest Ajigar i pick his email and i narrated my story to him and he agreed to help me and after performing a spell on the third day they both had a quarrel and he beat his girlfriend up and he came home begging for i and my little kids to forgive him that his eyes are clear now that he will never do any thing that will hurt his family again and promise to be a caring father and never cheat again.I am so so happy that i did not loose him to the girl all appreciation goes to Priest Ajigar for you are a Great spell caster and to whom this may concern if you have a cheating husband or wife you can as well email Priest Ajigar him on (

  90. I have been in great bondage for almost 2 years suffering in the hands of a cheating husband,we were happy and leaving well until he meant his old time time gilr friend and he started dating her outside our marriage before you knew it he stooped caring and taking care of his own family it was to the extent that now he was planning to get married to her and divorce his own wife, i have cried and reported him to his family but he never listened to any one but to cut my story short i came in search for a real spell caster who could destroy their relationship and make him come back to his wife and 2 kids on my search i saw people making testimony on how their marriage where restored by Priest Ajigar i pick his email and i narrated my story to him and he agreed to help me and after performing a spell on the third day they both had a quarrel and he beat his girlfriend up and he came home begging for i and my little kids to forgive him that his eyes are clear now that he will never do any thing that will hurt his family again and promise to be a caring father and never cheat again.I am so so happy that i did not loose him to the girl all appreciation goes to Priest Ajigar for you are a Great spell caster and to whom this may concern if you have a cheating husband or wife you can as well email Priest Ajigar him on (

  91. My name is Jessica Ruiz from Florida I have to give this miraculous testimony, which is so unbelievable until now. I had a problem with my Ex husband 2years ago, which lead to our break up. when he broke up with me, I was not my self again, i felt so empty inside me, my love and financial situation became worst, until a close friend of mine Lucy told me about a spell caster who helped her in the same problem too his name is Dr Shiva at hinduspelltemple@yahoo .com . I email Dr Shiva the spell caster and i told him my problem and i did what he asked of me, to cut the long story short. Before i knew what was happening my husband gave me a call and told me that he was coming back to me in just 2days and was so happy to have him back to me. We have two kids together and we are happy with ourselves. Thanks to Dr Shiva hinduspelltemple@yahoo .com for saving my relationship and for also saving others own too. continue your good work, If you are interested to contact him and testify this blessings like me, the great spell caster email address is hinduspelltemple@yahoo .com you are the best among all the spell caster online I hope you see my testimonies and also pray for my family too.

  92. Thanks to the Spirits for getting me my husband back. thank you Dr.Okakagbe for taking time to do the spell for bringing my husband back to me. I went to 3 different spell casters, but only you got the job done. I really wasn’t sure anymore if spells were real, but now I know they are. Like I said before I appreciate all your time, effort, and energy you put during the spell cast. He is more open and he admitted he loves me and more than ever before now my husband is back again. After 6months of separation. We are now back together, we both live happily. thank you Dr. Okakagbe you can also reach him for or call +2348156885231

  93. Thanks to the Spirits for getting me my husband back. thank you Dr.Okakagbe for taking time to do the spell for bringing my husband back to me. I went to 3 different spell casters, but only you got the job done. I really wasn’t sure anymore if spells were real, but now I know they are. Like I said before I appreciate all your time, effort, and energy you put during the spell cast. He is more open and he admitted he loves me and more than ever before now my husband is back again. After 6months of separation. We are now back together, we both live happily. thank you Dr. Okakagbe you can also reach him for or call +2348156885231


    My name is Michelle.
    I read a bunch of different testimonials about Dr Love Solution helping people with relationships problem And Helping them to get there Ex back between 48 Hours
    My ex and i broke up about a month ago. We had been on and off for 2 years now and then he completely dumped me a month . Im not sure what to do about getting him back until i contact Dr Love Solution ( ), (tel:2348038096203) . The first year we were together was really awesome. He broke up with me for the first time last summer because all of his holcey buddies were single and he got peer pressured into breaking up with me. We still saw each other 4 times a week and talked to each other every single day. This last time he broke up with me was a month ago with him saying that due to my social media it makes him think that i might not be the girl he is looking for but then told me right after that that he loved me very much. I would like to chat with you and hear what you have to say but after then he was acting strange to me and an completly avoid my calls even by seeing me but Dr Love spell caster solution come to my rescue and he assure me of getting him back between 48 hours . i believe DR LOVE SOLUTION then counting all my hope on him till 29 hours after , my Ex boyfriend call me on the phone early on the morning telling me he was very sorry for his bad attitude towards me ,he ready to settle down with me and get married.

    Respectfully Yours,

  95. Oh my God, I'm so glad to tell everyone the real thing that happen to me...My name is EMILIANO BABARAH. If i refuse to share this testimony it means i am selfish to my self and to people i love so much whom might have similar problems, March 16th about something 7:23pm after taken our dinner my husband got crazy started calling a lady name Melisa I love you, i was so mad and started crying like a baby...then my husband left home for the idiot called Melisa, and never return back home then i believed when he uthen nderstand his self he will surly come back to apology, but instead he left me So i complained to my friend she told me she was having such problems in her marriage until she was introduce to DR ORIOMON who specializes in bringing back broken homes and broken marriages DR ORIOMON cast a spell for me in May 4th surprisingly my husband came home May 6th apologizing that i should forgive him that it will never happen again, i was so glad and gave the thanks to DR ORIOMON who save my marriage, if you are having similar problem you can contact him and His email address is ( you can still save your marriage if u really love your husband.


  96. This is my testimony about the good work of a man who helped me..My name is Micheal Trisha, and I base in Canada.My life is back!!! After 2 years of marriage, my husband left me and left me with our three kids. I felt like my life was about to end, and was falling apart. Thanks to a spell caster called Dr aluda who i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet, I was searching for a good spell caster that can solve my problems. I came across series of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified
    that he restores womb, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. There was one particular testimony I saw, it was about a woman called grace,she testified about how Dr aluda brought back her Ex lover in less than 72 hours and at the end of her testimony she gave Dr aluda e-mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give Dr aluda a try. I contacted him with his via email address and explained my problem to him. In just 3 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. Dr aluda is really a talented and gifted man and i will not to stop publishing him because he is a wonderful Dr...If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve that problem for you. Try Dr aluda today, he might be the answer to your problem. Here's his contact: Thank you once again Dr aluda. Contact him for the following:
    (1)If you want your ex back.
    (2) if you always have bad dreams.
    (3)You want to be promoted in your office.
    (4)You want women/men to run after you.
    (5)If you want a child.
    (6)[You want to be rich.
    (7)You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
    (8)If you need financial assistance.
    (9)If you want to stop your Divorce
    10)Help bringing people out of prison
    (11)Marriage Spells
    (12)Miracle Spells
    (13)Beauty Spells
    (15)Attraction Spells
    (16)Evil Eye Spells
    (17)Kissing Spell
    (18)Remove Sickness Spells
    (21) Charm to get who to love you.
    Contact him today on:

  97. My name is Gracious Martins, i want to share my testimony, of how
    Dr,Oduduwale the great spell caster helped me out to bring back my Ex
    Husband in 3days after i have tender my problems to him he also helped to
    gain promotion in the firm i work..he is such a good spell caster that
    will check if his spell has work before demanding anything from you..Dr
    Oduduwale is such a trustworthy man and i also recommend him to make those
    sad happy using this medium to once again thank Dr Oduduwale for
    making me happy again and i know meany are out there who want their Ex
    back if you have tried and fail here is Dr Oduduwale to make you smile
    again. Email him on .

  98. I am her to share my experience with the world on how i got my love back and saved my marriage… I was married for 6 years with 3 good lovely kids and we lived happily until things started getting ugly and we had a fights and arguments almost every time… it got worse at a point that he filed for divorce… I tried my best to make him change his mind & stay with me cause i loved him with all my heart and didn't want to loose him but everything just didn't work out… he moved out of the house and still went ahead to file for divorce… I pleaded and tried everything but still nothing worked. The breakthrough came when someone introduced me to this wonderful, great spell who eventually helped me out… I have never been a fan of things like this but just decided to try reluctantly cause I was desperate and left with no choice… He did special prayers and cast a love spell on him. Within 7 days he called me and was sorry for all the emotional trauma he had cost me, moved back to the house and we continue to live happily, the kids are happy too and we are expecting our fourth child… I have introduced him to a lot of couples with problems across the world and they have had good news… Just thought I should share my experience cause I strongly believe someone out there needs it… You can email him at: ot or you can call him +2348156885231.


  99. i want to tell you about my past and how blessed i am today. please i understand how it feels to be heartbroken.i have a 5years relationship with my boyfriend not until when he brought me an invitation letter that he was getting married to somebody else because i love him so much and we promise to live our lives together ever since my life have been filled with pains,heart break and i almost took my life because of him.A friend of mine told me how DR.LOVESPELL helped her to get her husband back together after 3year,before i now contacted DR.LOVESPELL( number tel.+2348104004707 is the spell caster who cast a spell in two days my boyfriend and i are back together.i am so happy for what DR.LOVESPELL had done for me and my family too it a miracle for me, life have changed for the best.i don't need to explain it more than this but for you to contact him and your life will change for the best i promise you.

  100. Unimaginable and unbelievable. I am Mary Smith from the United States and i have a good news to share to the entire world. Do you need your ex husband or lover urgently? I wanna tell you that you need not to worry because i have a good news for those out there that are faced or similar to such situation because there is always a hope and a solution to all problem. There is a great spell caster called Great Owologbo who can really solve your problem. Getting my lover back is what i can't imagine but when I was losing Jackson, I needed help and somewhere to turn badly but my Aunty told me about this spell caster who also helped her on the internet. I thought it won't work but i just tried to give this man a chance and i ordered a LOVE SPELL. Two days later, my phone rang. Jackson was his old self again and wanted to come back to me! Not only come back, the spell caster opened him up to know how much I loved and needed him. This Spell Casting isn’t brainwashing, but he opened up his eyes to know how much we have to share together. I recommend anyone who is in my old situation to try him because he will help you and make things be the way it ought to be. If you have such problem or similar to this, please contact him on his email thank you Great Owologbo and may your gods reward you for your good deeds..


  101. Hi, I am speechless for the help I had from You Therapist Oniha of the Everything has changed for for Great...I would never realize that I got back my Best and only LOVE after all the bad things I did and said to her... Well, I JUST WANT TO THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART AS I HAVE PROMISE TO SHEAR YOUR GOODNESS ROUND THE BLOG UNTIL DEATH TAKE ME,I AM INDEED HAPPY FOR ALL YOUR HELP AND PATIENCE... I will keep on shearing your goodness as long as i am happy !!! Thanks a lot for your help Therapist Oniha OF THE FOR I AM SO GRATEFUL.


  102. With due respect all thank goes to dr.oagala.i will like to share my testimony to you all.i just got married to my husband about 2 years ago we start having problems at home like we stop sleeping on the same bed,fighting about little things he always comes home late at night,drinking too much and sleeping with other women out side.i have never love any man in my life except him.he is the father of my children and i don't want to loose him because we have worked so hard together to become what we are and have today.few month ago he now decided to live me and the kid,being a single mother can be hard sometimes and so i have nobody to turn to and i was heart broken and in sorrow.i went online looking for help,then i saw a testimony about dr ogala,i was afrad because i have never done any thing like this i gave it a try by contacting him. and explain everything to him,so he promise me not to worry that he will cast a spell that will make him come back to me forever. and also he told me that my problem will be solved within two days if i believe.So he cast a spell for me and after two days my love came back asking me to forgive him.i Am so happy now. if you are there looking for help to get back your EX or any kind of problems dr.ogala is there to help you.if you have try all possible means to get your ex back and it failed,is time for you to put your trust in a holy spell dr.ogala will cast for email His website


  103. With due respect all thank goes to dr.oagala.i will like to share my testimony to you all.i just got married to my husband about 2 years ago we start having problems at home like we stop sleeping on the same bed,fighting about little things he always comes home late at night,drinking too much and sleeping with other women out side.i have never love any man in my life except him.he is the father of my children and i don't want to loose him because we have worked so hard together to become what we are and have today.few month ago he now decided to live me and the kid,being a single mother can be hard sometimes and so i have nobody to turn to and i was heart broken and in sorrow.i went online looking for help,then i saw a testimony about dr ogala,i was afrad because i have never done any thing like this i gave it a try by contacting him. and explain everything to him,so he promise me not to worry that he will cast a spell that will make him come back to me forever. and also he told me that my problem will be solved within two days if i believe.So he cast a spell for me and after two days my love came back asking me to forgive him.i Am so happy now. if you are there looking for help to get back your EX or any kind of problems dr.ogala is there to help you.if you have try all possible means to get your ex back and it failed,is time for you to put your trust in a holy spell dr.ogala will cast for email His website


  104. With due respect all thank goes to dr.oagala.i will like to share my testimony to you all.i just got married to my husband about 2 years ago we start having problems at home like we stop sleeping on the same bed,fighting about little things he always comes home late at night,drinking too much and sleeping with other women out side.i have never love any man in my life except him.he is the father of my children and i don't want to loose him because we have worked so hard together to become what we are and have today.few month ago he now decided to live me and the kid,being a single mother can be hard sometimes and so i have nobody to turn to and i was heart broken and in sorrow.i went online looking for help,then i saw a testimony about dr ogala,i was afrad because i have never done any thing like this i gave it a try by contacting him. and explain everything to him,so he promise me not to worry that he will cast a spell that will make him come back to me forever. and also he told me that my problem will be solved within two days if i believe.So he cast a spell for me and after two days my love came back asking me to forgive him.i Am so happy now. if you are there looking for help to get back your EX or any kind of problems dr.ogala is there to help you.if you have try all possible means to get your ex back and it failed,is time for you to put your trust in a holy spell dr.ogala will cast for email His website

  105. My love is back! After 6 years of marriage, my husband left me with my two kids. I felt like my life is about to end i was falling apart. a friend of my introduce me to this great man called Dr.ogala, I contacted him I explained my problem to him, he solve the problem peacefully In just 24 hours my husband come back home to show me and my kids so much love and apologize for all the pains he have cause to the family. thanks Dr. you solved my issues, and we are even happier more than before you are the best spell caster, i really appreciate the spell you casted for me to get my husband back in my life i will keep sharing more testimonies to people about your good work Thank very much Dr you are in any problem you can contact him via email; his website

  106. My love is back! After 6 years of marriage, my husband left me with my two kids. I felt like my life is about to end i was falling apart. a friend of my introduce me to this great man called Dr.ogala, I contacted him I explained my problem to him, he solve the problem peacefully In just 24 hours my husband come back home to show me and my kids so much love and apologize for all the pains he have cause to the family. thanks Dr. you solved my issues, and we are even happier more than before you are the best spell caster, i really appreciate the spell you casted for me to get my husband back in my life i will keep sharing more testimonies to people about your good work Thank very much Dr you are in any problem you can contact him via email; his website


  107. I never believed in love spells or magic until I met this spell caster once when i went to see my friend in Indian this year on a business summit. I meant a man who's name is Dr ATILA he is really powerful and could help cast spells to bring back one's gone, lost, misbehaving lover and magic money spell or spell for a good job or luck spell .I'm now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 5 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 3years. I really loved him, but his mother was against us and he had no good paying job. So when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him. At first i was undecided,skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try. And in 7 days when i returned to Canada, my boyfriend (now husband) called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married. I didn't believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do. Well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid, and my husband also got the new job and our lives became much better. His email is


  108. indeed the most powerful spell caster have ever experienced in life. Am Posting this to the Forum in case there is anyone who has similar problem and still looking for a way out.
    1. To care HIV/AID or related illness
    2. Bring back lost lover, even if lost for a long time
    3. Remove bad spells from homes, business & customer attraction etc.
    4. Get promotion you have desired for a long time at work or in your career.
    5. Read all your problems before you even mention them to him
    6. Remove the black spot that keeps on taking your money away
    7. Find out why you are not progressing in life and the solution
    8. Eliminate in family fights
    9. Ensure excellent school grades even for children with mental disabilities
    10. Stop your marriage or relationship from breaking apart
    11. I destroy and can send back the Nikolos (water spirit, sleepless nite, up presses by wicked powers,) if requested
    12. heal barrenness in women and disturbing menstruation
    13. Get you marriage to the lover of your choice
    14. Recover stolen property and whereabouts of people that hurt you.
    15. Bring supernatural luck into
    16. Pregnancy spell to conceive baby
    17.Get your scam money back

    you can reach him here or if
    Interested Persons should contact me via E-mail :

    Dr. Sambola

  109. My name is joy and I base in USA...“My life is back!!! After 1 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me with two kids . I felt like my life was about to end i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time. Thanks to a spell caster called High Priest ADODO which i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet,I came across allot of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb,cure cancer,and other sickness, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. i also come across one particular testimony,it was about a woman called Sonia,she testified about how he brought back her Ex lover in less than 7 days, and at the end of her testimony she dropped High Priest ADODO 's e-mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give it a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 3 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. High Priest ADODO is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man... If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems for you. Try High Priest ADODO anytime, he might be the answer to your problems. Here's his contact:{}. or call his mobile number +2348156784928


  111. All thanks to you dr uduga for making me a man that i am cause for the past 3 years i can not attract a woman so because of the situation i started looking for help so i went to met my friend called Lucky i now ask Lucky am mine not man enough to have my own child and he said yes, so he said why do i ask and as my friend i told him everything so he now tell not worry about anything that he will take me to his friend who was helped by this great man called dr uduga so after that day both of us went to the boy's house to met him so when we got there we told him the situation on grand after telling him, the boy now gave us the grate man's contact and said that if i contact this man that everything will i have know option than to contact the doctor and give him a try so i contacted him and he told me what to be done that within 48 hours i will get the result which i did,right now i am very happy the most surprising thing to me is that the girl who push and insulted me in present of my friends before is the one now looking for me, dr uduga thank you so much for the grate job you have just done in my if his contact is needed here is it via email or his cell number +2348153592618

    My name is: Jim Fredrick i live in USA, California


  112. I am her to share my experience with the world on how i got my love back and saved my marriage… I was married for 6 years with 3 good lovely kids and we lived happily until things started getting ugly and we had a fights and arguments almost every time… it got worse at a point that he filed for divorce… I tried my best to make him change his mind & stay with me cause i loved him with all my heart and didn't want to loose him but everything just didn't work out… he moved out of the house and still went ahead to file for divorce… I pleaded and tried everything but still nothing worked. The breakthrough came when someone introduced me to this wonderful, great spell who eventually helped me out… I have never been a fan of things like this but just decided to try reluctantly cause I was desperate and left with no choice… He did special prayers and cast a love spell on him. Within 7 days he called me and was sorry for all the emotional trauma he had cost me, moved back to the house and we continue to live happily, the kids are happy too and we are expecting our fourth child… I have introduced him to a lot of couples with problems across the world and they have had good news… Just thought I should share my experience cause I strongly believe someone out there needs it… You can email him at: or you can call him +2348156885231.

  113. Hello To The World At Large,
    I am Miss Wacks.,From united states of America.I will start by saying to all that have experience heart break and also cant do with out there lover should please stop here and read up my story, So as you will know how to go solving or getting your ex back from this spell caster..AND AGAIN I WILL WANT TO ALSO TELL ALL THAT THIS SPELL CASTER I WILL WANT TO TELL THE WHOLE WORLD ABOUT IS HARMLESS AND DO NOT HAVE ANY SIDE EFFECT, BUT TO RESTORE AND GIVE YOU BACK WHAT YOU DESERVE, COS WHEN I MEET WITH THIS SPELL CASTER THAT WAS INTRODUCED TO ME BY THE WIFE OF MY BOSS IN MY WORKING PLACE, HE MADE IT CLEAR THAT HE CAN CAST SPELL ON SO MANY OTHER PROBLEMS EXCEPT IN GETTING YOUR EX OR MAKING YOUR LOVER TO LOVE YOU MORE THAT WILL SUITE YOU. Last year December, My lover was cheating on me and was not also give me the attention that a man should give to a woman,And really that was troubling my mind and tearing my heart apart to the extent that i was not concentrating in the office the way i use to before the break up by my lover.And before that incident,I always see how my boss use to love his wife so much. I was binging to think that i was not doing the right thing to him that will make him love me forever,So i really gathered my courage and went to my boss wife office to ask her the secret that made her husband love her so dearly,In the first place she refused in telling me,She asked me why i am asking her such a question,That if is it not normal for every man to love his wife.I told her the reason that made me ask her about this question,That my lover started cheating on me lately,When i knelt down before her for her to see my seriousness in this issue that i went to ask her,She opened up to me by telling me that i should not tell anybody about what she want to tell me,The wife to my boss started to say to me that she used a very powerful spell on his husband to love her,And the spell that she used is harmless, But the spell is just to make him love her and never to look for any other woman except her. I QUICKLY ASK HER HOW DID SHE GET TO KNOW THIS GREAT,POWER,DURABLE AND PERFECT WORK SPELL CASTER,she said that a friend of hers also introduce her to him. Then i also ask her how i can meet with this spell caster.SHE SAID EVERYTHING TO ME,THAT THE NAME OF THIS SPELL CASTER IS SHAKES SPEAR ORACLE TEMPLE.My next question to her was how can i get this wonderful spell caster,She said she is going to give me the email of the spell caster for me to contact him for my problem,Really she gave to me this spell caster email and i contacted him and explained all to him,And after every thing that needed to be done by the spell caster, In the next two days, My lover that hated me so much came to house begging for forgiveness and i was so glad that i have finally gotten my heart desire..I was so grateful to this spell caster for what he has done for my life.. So i made a promise to him that i will always continue telling the world about his wonderful work towards me and also to other that came to you before and also the people that will also get to you from my story that i narrated online now..I will want to say to the entire world that you should not cry over noting again, That there is a great man that has been helping individuals to restore there Joy and smile in there faces !! The direct email to get this man is : OR ,This is what i want to tell you all out there,That is thinking that all hope is lost ok.CONTACT SHAKES SPEAR TODAY:: OR


    Miss Wacks.

  114. My name is Mr GOLD JOHN ,I live in Mexico,and I’m happily married with a lovely wife and three children. I had a very big problem with my wife few months ago,to the extent that she even packed her things away from me and my kids for almost 5 months,and i tried all my possible best and effort to bring her back,but all to no avail.I discussed it with a very good friend of mine,and he gave me an advice concerning a spell caster,and i quote.“There’s someone who can handle your situation,he’s always ready and able to do anything related to spell casting,i will like you to contact him with his email,which is as follows.”John Yi Yi Great Oracle Temple Solution”. I never believed in spell casting,but he convinced me and i had no choice than to follow his advice,because i never dreamt of loosing my lovely wife.And that’s how i contacted him with his email address,and i discussed with him and so surprisingly,he told me that I’ll get my wife back a day i never believed,until when i got home,the next day,my wife called me to inform me that she was coming back…..So amazing!! That’s how i got my wife back through spell casting and our relationship was now stronger than how it was before.One of the price i was asked to pay was to tell it to people around me that problems like this,can always be solved by “Shakes Spear Great Oracle Temple Solution”. So! my advice for you out there is to visit this same website,and tell him your problems too,if you are in any condition related to love issue or getting your ex back,to have a happy family. THANKS.... HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS OR CONTACT HIM TODAY VIA THIS EMAIL ADDRESS: OR AS HIS POWERS ARE SO STRONG AND VERY EFFECTIVE AND HAS NO BAD EFFECT INSTEAD IT HAVE A VERY GOOD RESULT AFTER CASTING THE SPELL.


  115. My Name is Dan Anelos ..I never believed in Love Spells or Magics until I met this special spell caster when i contact this man called OR Execute some business..He is really powerful..My wife divorce me with no reason for almost 4 years and i tried all i could to have her back cos i really love her so much but all my effort did not work out.. we met at our early age at the college and we both have feelings for each other and we got married happily for 5 years with no kid and she woke up one morning and she told me she’s going on a divorce..i thought it was a joke and when she came back from work she tender to me a divorce letter and she packed all her loads from my house..i ran mad and i tried all i could to have her back but all did not work out..i was lonely for almost 4 years…So when i told the spell caster what happened he said he will help me and he asked for her full name and her picture..i gave him that..At first i was skeptical but i gave it a try cos have tried so many spell casters and there is no solution…so when he finished with the readings,he got back to me that she’s with a man and that man is the reason why she left me…The spell caster said he will help me with a spell that will surely bring her back.but i never believe all this…he told me i will see a positive result within 3 days..3 days later,she called me herself and came to me apologizing and she told me she will come back to me..I cant believe this,it was like a dream cos i never believe this will work out after trying many spell casters and there is no solution..The spell caster is so powerful and after that he helped me with a pregnancy spell and my wife got pregnant a month later..we are now happy been together again and with lovely kid..This spell caster has really changed my life and i will forever thankful to him..he has helped many friends too with similar problem too and they are happy and thankful to him..This man is indeed the most powerful spell caster have ever experienced in life..Am Posting this to the Forum in case there is anyone who has similar problem and still looking for a way can reach him OR CONTACT THIS GREAT AND POWERFUL SPELL CASTER CALLED SHAKES SPEAR ... HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS OR CONTACT HIM NOW AND BE FAST ABOUT IT SO HE CAN ALSO ATTEND TO YOU BECAUSE THE EARLIER YOU CONTACT HIM NOW THE BETTER FOR YOU TO GET QUICK SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS...

  116. My Name is Lee Kima, From United Kingdom. I wish to share my testimonies with the general public about what this man called Dr SHAKES SPEAR has just done for me , this man has just brought back my lost Ex husband to me with his great spell, I was married to this man called Steven we were together for a long time and we loved our self’s but when I was unable to give him a child for 2 years he left me and told me he can’t continue anymore then I was now looking for ways to get him back until a friend of mine told me about this man and gave his contact email: OR then you won't believe this when I contacted this man on my problems he prepared this spell cast and bring my lost husband back, and after a month I miss my month and go for a test and the result stated am pregnant am happy today am a mother of a baby girl, thank you once again the great Dr SHAKES SPEAR for what you have done for me, if you are out there passing through any of this problems listed below:

    1) If you want your ex back.
    (2) if you always have bad dreams.
    (3) You want to be promoted in your office.
    (4) You want women/men to run after you.
    (5) If you want a child.
    (6) You want to be rich.
    (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be
    yours forever.
    (8) If you need financial assistance.
    (9) How you been scammed and you want to recover you lost money.
    (10)Stop Divorce OR


    Hello and blessed are you who found me. My name is DR SHAKES SPEAR, and am here to help you change and transform your life in the most positive way possible. I use the power of white, black craft and Wicca and voodoo spell casting to help people just like you they get the love they want and the money they deserve.

    My love spell offer amazing and quick results. Do you want to find your soulmate? Do you want to reunite with a past lover and make him or her love you again? Do you need to bind a troublemaker from causing problems in your relationship? With my spell casting service, I can cast a love spell on your behalf that will help all of your wishes and dreams come true. I also do other custom spells, such as money spells, job spells, friendship spells, and good luck spells.

    You may have already tried the power of spells and prayers to get what you want. Although it is true that everyone has the ability to cast spells and perform magic, spell casting is like a muscle. Everyone has this 'muscle' but the more you use it, the stronger it gets, and the more things you are able to do with it. If you are not an experienced spell caster, your spell may not be as strong, and the results not as quick as you may desire.GET YOUR PROBLEMS SOLVE HERE AND BE FREE!!

    Hello to people that want to be Great,

    Note: This Spell casting do not have any effect on any one, But just to get your problem solve ok.
    Get your problem solve in master...You can get the bellow problems solve here.

    1. Bring back lost lover, even if lost for a long
    2. Remove bad spells from homes, business
    & customer attraction etc.
    3. Get promotion you have desired for a long time at work or in your career.
    4. Remove the black pot that keeps on taking your money away
    5. Find out why you are not progressing in life and the solution
    6. Eliminate in family fights
    7. Ensure excellent school grades even for children with mental disabilities
    8. Stop your marriage or relationship from
    breaking apart
    9. I destroy and can send back the Nikolos if requested
    10. We heal barrenness in women and disturbing menstruation
    11. Get you marriage to the lover of your choice
    12. Guarantee you win the troubling court cases & divorce no matter how what stage
    13. Ensure success in work and business
    14. Mental illness & bewitched
    15. Can’t sleep at night or walking at night
    16. Recover stolen property and
    whereabouts of people that hurt you.
    17. Bring supernatural luck into your home
    18. Extreme protection for those doing dangerous jobs like security guards, Bank manager, cash transporters, etc

    I have over 20 years of spell casting experience, and i have successfully cast spells to help hundreds of people improve their love life, financial situation, and happiness.


  118. I am DR SHAKES SPEAR, I welcome you all to my world of spiritual temple of solution i want to assure you that what so ever you contacted me for will come to pass with the powers of my ancestors. i want to let you know that i am here to help you in any problem you might be facing, i have been in the field of helping people for over 55years now, i want to let you know that i have helped solving over 7000 people with so many problems in different countries and they have never stopped calling me to thank me for the good work i have done for them. My good work has spread to so many countries, why, is because they have seen my good work and they helped me spread it all over to the whole world. I want to let you know that the moment you contact me just consider all your problems solved because i know that once i commence on your spell work you are going to testify to the whole world here,Email me via address.( OR

    Are you passing through any of these problems,




























    If you are facing any of these problems all you just need do is to contact via email ( OR )and it will be handle with full force and with my oracle and ancestors beside me i want to make you testify just the same way other people did that i have helped. Do not die in pain and silence email me so that your problems will be solved by me with full speed.I want welcome you again to my spell temple.If you have any problem that you want my help for just email me and immediately it will be solved. Here is my email address( OR )

  119. Thanks to Shakes Spear as he is a great spell caster who brought back my lover.....

    I want to tell everyone about my meeting with Prophet Shakes Spear who was able to bring back my ex lover within the period of 2days... At these moment i don't have anything to say than to appreciate the good works of Prophet Shakes Spear who you can simply reach at:

    1. He has got charms/spell to take away bad luck & give good luck in life

    2. He fix broken relationships, marriages

    3. He treats Beareness

    4. He fight evil/ witchcraft/ ghost/bad spell/curses/bad dreams& cleans homes.

    5. He bring back lost lover/family

    6. He Makes court cases/divorces/bad debts to disappear.

    7. He has herbs for losing weight

    8. He solve financial and domestic difficulties

    9. He has a spell charm to bring back stolen goods.

    10. He has got a sale quick potions to boost customers in business.

    11. He can make you gain promotions at work place.

    12. He can make your admired partner to be yours.

    13. He has herbs to make long live with HIV

    14. He has something to make you have lot of children.

    15. He has a spell/charms that can make you have a good job.

    16. He can stop someone to interfere in your love relationship/family

    17. He has mixtures of herbs for sexual weakness.

    18. He has herbs to enlarge your sexual system to satisfy your partner.

    19. He cure madness/stress/addictions/long illnesses.

    20. He treat sexual transmitted infections quickly.

    21. He has lucky spells/charm to increase your wealthy.

    22. He has charms for gambling/lotto/ casinos.

    23. He has powerful herbs for curing early ejaculations.

    24. he has charms to protect away from car robbers/hijacker/properties attack& Etc

    contact me of any of these today at: OR ..... WE GOT SOLUTION TO ALL PROBLEMS HERE ...


    A great solutionist has been sent from above. He is CHIEF DR. AGBOGUN.

    I am sonia maxuel by name, my family and i that have been living in peace, harmony

    and progress suddenly became enveloped in problems. My son was rushed home from the

    university as a result of madness, my husband was blackmailed and sacked from his

    juicy job, my super market shop got liquidated and i got indebted to my bank, and a

    wealthy lady who pretended to be helping my husband enticed and seduced him and

    took him away from me. I became confused and lost all hope as i became a subject of

    mockery in the mouth of my haters.

    0ne day, a friend of mine (Anita) that i will forever be grateful to came and

    introduced this powerful spiritualist to me, though i doubted him and reluctantly

    gave him a trial, he intervened, told me the cause of the problems and resolved

    everything. My son is now well and back to school, the perpetrators of the

    blackmailed against my husband were later caught and arrested as they confessed to

    the act and my husband has been reinstated with apology, i now own my husband back

    to myself and now, my business has been reawakened and those that owed me were all

    rushing to pay back.

    I hereby recommend this great man to everyone who needs solution to any kind of

    problems he or she is going through.
    contact him with and thank me later.

  121. My Name is John Richmond,I never believed in Love Spells or Magics
    until I met this special spell caster once when i went to Africa to
    Execute some business..He is really powerful.The woman i wanted to
    marry left me 1 weeks to our weeding ceremony and my life was
    upside down.she was with me for 7 years and i really love her so
    much..she left me for another man with no reason..when i called her
    she never picked up my calls and she don’t want to see me around
    her…so,when i told the man what happened.he helped me to do some
    readings,and after the readings he made me to realize that the
    other man has done some spells over my wife and that is the reason
    why she left me..he told me he will help me to cast a spell that
    bring her back.At first i was skeptical but i just gave it a
    try…In 2 days,she called me herself and came to me apologizing..I
    cant believe she can ever come back to me again but now i am
    happy she’s back and we are married now with lovely kid and we live
    as a happy family..Am posting this to the forum incise
    anyone needs the man.His email address is
    the following are the spells that he can
    launch within 72 hours. :
    ( 1) If you want your ex back .
    ( 2) if you ever have nightmares.
    ( 3) Do you want to be promoted in his office.
    (4 ) Want women / men who are behind you.
    ( 5) If you want a child.
    ( 6) [ Do you want to be rich.
    (7 ) You want to tie your husband / wife to be yours forever .
    ( 8) If you need financial assistance.
    (9 ) Care Herbal
    10) Help get people out of jail
    ( 11) Marriage Spells
    ( 12) The Miracle spells
    ( 13) The beauty spells
    (15 ) The Spell of Attraction
    ( 16) Evil Eye Spells
    (17 ) Kissing Spell
    ( 18) Remove Spells disease
    contact him on this email: OR

  122. Unimaginable and unbelievable. I am Mary Smith from the United States and i have a good news to share to the entire world. Do you need your ex husband or lover urgently? I wanna tell you that you need not to worry because i have a good news for those out there that are faced or similar to such situation because there is always a hope and a solution to all problem. There is a great spell caster called Great Owologbo who can really solve your problem. Getting my lover back is what i can't imagine but when I was losing Jackson, I needed help and somewhere to turn badly but my Aunty told me about this spell caster who also helped her on the internet. I thought it won't work but i just tried to give this man a chance and i ordered a LOVE SPELL. Two days later, my phone rang. Jackson was his old self again and wanted to come back to me! Not only come back, the spell caster opened him up to know how much I loved and needed him. This Spell Casting isn’t brainwashing, but he opened up his eyes to know how much we have to share together. I recommend anyone who is in my old situation to try him because he will help you and make things be the way it ought to be. If you have such problem or similar to this, please contact him on his email thank you Great Owologbo and may your gods reward you for your good deeds..

  123. Unimaginable and unbelievable. I am Mary Smith from the United States and i have a good news to share to the entire world. Do you need your ex husband or lover urgently? I wanna tell you that you need not to worry because i have a good news for those out there that are faced or similar to such situation because there is always a hope and a solution to all problem. There is a great spell caster called Great Owologbo who can really solve your problem. Getting my lover back is what i can't imagine but when I was losing Jackson, I needed help and somewhere to turn badly but my Aunty told me about this spell caster who also helped her on the internet. I thought it won't work but i just tried to give this man a chance and i ordered a LOVE SPELL. Two days later, my phone rang. Jackson was his old self again and wanted to come back to me! Not only come back, the spell caster opened him up to know how much I loved and needed him. This Spell Casting isn’t brainwashing, but he opened up his eyes to know how much we have to share together. I recommend anyone who is in my old situation to try him because he will help you and make things be the way it ought to be. If you have such problem or similar to this, please contact him on his email thank you Great Owologbo and may your gods reward you for your good deeds..


  124. i am Ari by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my husband after six(6) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer. one day when I was reading through the web, I saw a post on how this spell caster on this address, have help a woman to get back her husband and I gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that I will have my husband back. I believed him and today I am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because I am now happy with my husband. Thanks for Dr.EHI His email: Dr EHI OR CALL IM ON HIS MOBILE NUMBER +2347053839053 Good luck

  125. I am Mrs ANDERSON ANN from USA, i want to share a testimony of my life to every one. i was married to my husband Barry Morgan, i love him so much we have been married for 5 years now with two kids. when he went for a vacation to France he meant a lady called Clara who en charm him with his beauty, he told me that he is no longer interested in the marriage any more. i was so confuse and seeking for help, i don't know what to do until I met my friend Miss Rose and told her about my problem. she told me not to worry about it that she had a similar problem before and introduce me to a man called Dr Iyayi. who cast a spell on her ex and bring him back to her after 3days. Miss Rose ask me to contact Dr Iyayi. I contacted him to help me bring back my husband and he ask me not to worry about it that the gods of his fore-fathers will fight for me. He told me by three days he will re-unite me and my husband together. After three day my husband called and told me he is coming back to sought out things with me, I was surprise when I saw him and he started crying for forgiveness and that he never knew what came upon him that he will never leave me again or the was the spell that was casted on him that was working on him. Right now I am the happiest woman on earth for what this great spell caster did for me and my husband, you can contact Dr.Iyayi on any problem in this world, he is very nice, here is his contact or contact him through his website address: You can also contact him through his mobile: +2347032617285. He is the best spell caster.

    I am Mrs ANDERSON ANN from USA, i want to share a testimony of my life to every one. i was married to my husband Barry Morgan, i love him so much we have been married for 5 years now with two kids. when he went for a vacation to France he meant a lady called Clara who en charm him with his beauty, he told me that he is no longer interested in the marriage any more. i was so confuse and seeking for help, i don't know what to do until I met my friend Miss Rose and told her about my problem. she told me not to worry about it that she had a similar problem before and introduce me to a man called Dr Iyayi. who cast a spell on her ex and bring him back to her after 3days. Miss Rose ask me to contact Dr Iyayi. I contacted him to help me bring back my husband and he ask me not to worry about it that the gods of his fore-fathers will fight for me. He told me by three days he will re-unite me and my husband together. After three day my husband called and told me he is coming back to sought out things with me, I was surprise when I saw him and he started crying for forgiveness and that he never knew what came upon him that he will never leave me again or the was the spell that was casted on him that was working on him. Right now I am the happiest woman on earth for what this great spell caster did for me and my husband, you can contact Dr.Iyayi on any problem in this world, he is very nice, here is his contact or contact him through his website address: You can also contact him through his mobile: +2347032617285. He is the best spell caster.

  126. Hello
    I am Laura Billey by name. Greetings to every one that is reading my wonderful testimony. I have been rejected by my husband after three(3) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster called priest Owo of this address , have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and in 24 hours that i will have my husband back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring Husband back and so many other things. because i am now happy with my husband. Thanks to Priest Owo, if not for him, my life will have been so misery for me. His email id is as follows if you want to contact him for any help: or you can contact him through his website:

  127. i am Anita Paris from USA. i want to use this opportunity to thank my great doctor who really made my life a pleasurable one today. This great man DR.OSEGHALE brought my husband back to me, i had three lovely kids for my husband, about four years ago i and my husband has been into one quarrel or the other until he finally left me for one lady. i felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. i tried to be strong just for the kids but i could not control the pains that torments my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because i was really in love with my husband. Every day and night i think of him and always wish he would come back to me, until one day i met a good friend of mine that was also in a situation like me but her problem was her ex-boyfriend who she had an unwanted pregnancy for and he refused to take responsibility and dumped her. she told me that mine was a small case and that i should not worry about it at all, so i asked her what was the solution to my problems and she gave me this great man email address. i was doubting if this man was the solution, so i contacted this great man and he told me what to do and i deed them all, he told me to wait for just two day and that my husband will come crawling on his kneels just for forgiveness so i faithfully deed what this great man asked me to do and for sure after two days i heard a knock on the door, in a great surprise i saw him on his kneels and i was speechless, when he saw me, all he did was crying and asking me for forgiveness, from that day, all the pains and sorrows in my heart flew away,since then i and my husband and our lovely kids are happy.that's why i want to say a big thank you to DR.OSEGHALE spiritual temple. This great man made me to understand that there is no problem on earth that has no solution so please if you know that you have this same problem or any problem that is similar, i will advise you to come straight to this great man. you can email him or visit his website via: you can contact me with my email for further explanation:

  128. My life is back!!! After 8 years of marriage, my husband left me and left me with our three kids. I felt like my life was about to end, and was falling apart. I contacted Dr. OKORO LOVE SPELL and after I explained my problem, In just 3 days my husband came back to us and show me and my kids much love and apologize for all the pain he have bring to the family. We solved our issues, and we are even happier more than ever before Dr. OKORO you are the best spell caster. I really appreciate the love spell you cast for me to get the man back to my life i will keep sharing more testimonies to people about your good work. Thank you once again Dr. OKORO. You can also contact Dr. OKORO via email address: in case you are in any problem you can contact this man for help he is always there in his temple to help you solve your problem Contact Email is: CONTACT HIM TODAY VIA THIS EMAIL ADDRESS: AS HIS POWERS ARE SO STRONG AND VERY EFFECTIVE AND HAS NO BAD EFFECT INSTEAD IT HAVE A VERY GOOD RESULT AFTER CASTING THE SPELL.

    Dr. OKORO NUMBER: +2348053209149
    Contact Dr. OKORO Via email:

  129. indeed the most powerful spell caster have ever experienced in life. Am Posting this to the Forum in case there is anyone who has similar problem and still looking for a way out.
    1. To care HIV/AID or related illness
    2. Bring back lost lover, even if lost for a long time
    3. Remove bad spells from homes, business & customer attraction etc.
    4. Get promotion you have desired for a long time at work or in your career.
    5. Read all your problems before you even mention them to him
    6. Remove the black spot that keeps on taking your money away
    7. Find out why you are not progressing in life and the solution
    8. Eliminate in family fights
    9. Ensure excellent school grades even for children with mental disabilities
    10. Stop your marriage or relationship from breaking apart
    11. I destroy and can send back the Nikolos (water spirit, sleepless nite, up presses by wicked powers,) if requested
    12. heal barrenness in women and disturbing menstruation
    13. Get you marriage to the lover of your choice
    14. Recover stolen property and whereabouts of people that hurt you.
    15. Bring supernatural luck into
    16. Pregnancy spell to conceive baby
    17.Get your scam money back

    you can reach him here or if
    Interested Persons should contact me via E-mail :

    Dr. Sambola

  130. Although I had been quite the skeptic, I can honestly say you saved my life and my relationship! My ex had taken me back and we are once again in love I pray it last forever as I do have that faith. I really thought my relationship had been over as he had gotten to the point of wanting me out of his life, you have been a miracle worker! I definitely plan on requesting your help again when I need it coz you are the best, Dr. Lee! Thank you so much for my relationship! Always grateful to you


  131. well thanks to DR Zack Balo the man that help and never say no if you beg him for help i was very sick and i have this sick call HIV for 4 year i have being going to one hospital to another but they all advise me to take drugs and i don’t like taking drugs without i have no being cure totally i decide to go for online to look for help them i see this email on internet that he cure HIV for 3days i dont believe because i have being taking drugs for 4 year i have not cure totally i called him his phone number +2348078927387 to confirm if it was truth and he assure me that i we be heal once the spell is cast, that very day i was so confused because i have not see this kind of healing before he tell me that he we cast a curing spell on me that we cure me totally i never believe until when i go for checkup i was tested negative the man cast curing spell on me in 3 days and i was heal thank to DR Zack Balo for him totally healing, contact him on his email address or call him on his phone number +2348078927387.

  132. My name is joy and I base in USA...“My life is back!!! After 1 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me with two kids I felt like my life was about to end i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time. Thanks to a spell caster called High Priest ADODO which i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet,I came across allot of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb,cure cancer,and other sickness, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. i also come across one particular testimony,it was about a woman called Sonia,she testified about how he brought back her Ex lover in less than 7 days, and at the end of her testimony she dropped High Priest ADODO 's e-mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give it a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 3 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. High Priest ADODO is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man... If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems for you. Try High Priest ADODO anytime, he might be the answer to your problems. Here's his contact:{}. or call his mobile number +2348156784928

  133. Am Renee from Portland, I'm simply AMAZED at the results of the custom spell performed for me by His Majesty. Everything is going so well and EXACTLY how he said it would. what amazed me the most is that it took few hours to fully progress, it was so worth it because things are just about at perfection! How he took my situation and completely turned it around to give me exactly what I wanted is beyond me, but something I will never question and just be completely grateful for coming across you. Bless you for helping so many people get what their heart desires. You truly gifted! Renee. you can also be a testimony get in touch with His Majesty on now.and you will be amazed you did make the right choice.


  134. My name is tucker stacey.This is a very joyful day of my life because of the help Dr.Trust has rendered to me by helping me get my ex husband back with his magic and love spell. i was married for 6 years and it was so terrible because my husband was really cheating on me and was seeking for a divorce but when i came across Dr.Trust email on the internet on how he help so many people to get thier ex back and help fixing relationship.and make people to be happy in their relationship. i explained my situation to him and then seek his help but to my greatest surprise he told me that he will help me with my case and here i am now celebrating because my Husband has change totally for good. He always want to be by me and can not do anything without my present. i am really enjoying my marriage, what a great celebration. i will keep on testifying on the internet because Dr.Trust is truly a real spell caster. DO YOU NEED HELP THEN CONTACT DOCTOR TRUST NOW VIA EMAIL: or call +2348156885231 or He is the only answer to your problem and make you feel happy in your relationship.

  135. My name is Mr GOLD JOHN ,I live in Mexico,and I’m happily married with a lovely wife and three children. I had a very big problem with my wife few months ago,to the extent that she even packed her things away from me and my kids for almost 5 months,and i tried all my possible best and effort to bring her back,but all to no avail.I discussed it with a very good friend of mine,and he gave me an advice concerning a spell caster,and i quote.“There’s someone who can handle your situation,he’s always ready and able to do anything related to spell casting,i will like you to contact him with his email,which is as follows.”Shakes Spear Great Oracle Temple Solution”. I never believed in spell casting,but he convinced me and i had no choice than to follow his advice,because i never dreamt of loosing my lovely wife.And that’s how i contacted him with his email address,and i discussed with him and so surprisingly,he told me that I’ll get my wife back a day i never believed,until when i got home,the next day,my wife called me to inform me that she was coming back…..So amazing!! That’s how i got my wife back through spell casting and our relationship was now stronger than how it was before.One of the price i was asked to pay was to tell it to people around me that problems like this,can always be solved by “Shakes Spear Great Oracle Temple Solution”. So! my advice for you out there is to visit this same website,and tell him your problems too,if you are in any condition related to love issue or getting your ex back,to have a happy family. THANKS.... HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS OR CONTACT HIM TODAY VIA THIS EMAIL ADDRESS: OR AS HIS POWERS ARE SO STRONG AND VERY EFFECTIVE AND HAS NO BAD EFFECT INSTEAD IT HAVE A VERY GOOD RESULT AFTER CASTING THE SPELL.

  136. This is the story of my life that i am still pondering upon even as i write this article.I maybe judged and i may not be but even if i am judged, no one can ever know my real personality or family.I have been asking myself if i should let the world know about this or maybe i should just keep it to myself cos most people might think am crazy.All the same am telling my story.I live in Bordeaux, France with my husband and four kids and we have a happy family.It wasn’t always just like that.Before my husband, i have been married to five different men.Yeah five, all five marriages failed after six months not cos we had problems or the relationships was on the rock they just come and go without good reason.It was easy to say i was cured by someone or something.I had a feeling there was something about me that wasn’t just appealing in the site of all the men that claimed to love me to death.The entire puzzle of my life just seem to fall into place when i met my present husband i fall hardly in love with him like he also did.It was all in his eye that he loved me with all he’s got.Yeah we got married but just after the first six months as always he just wanted out as every other man that i was married to.I never really wanted to let go of any of my ex husband i was willing to fight for the marriage but they bluntly weren’t ready for that.But this, i just got tired of same old same old thing just wanted a steady marriage with the love of my life.I tried marriage counseling with him which is suppose to me the best way to resolving marital problem but he was like its been tattooed in his mind that he wanted out of our marriage.I WANT TO LEAVE A QUESTION FOR ANYONE READING THIS CAN A WOMAN REALLY BE HAPPY OR FEEL COMPETE WHEN EVERY OF HER MARRIAGE FAILS.CAN A WOMAN EVER FEEL LIKE THEY BELONG IN THE SOCIETY WHEN EVERY MAN SHE IS MARRIED TO REJECT HER AFTER A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME WITHOUT ANY COURSE?FOR ME MY ANSWER IS A NO COS I KNOW HOW HARD IT WAS FOR ME AND MY FAMILY IT AFFECTED ME PSYCHOLOGICALLY BUT I WAS TOO STRONG TO BREAK DOWN COS I HARD TO FIGHT FOR KIDS WHO LOOK AT THEIR MOM AS INVINCIBLE AND STRONG.Honestly don’t know how and when i contacted a spell caster to help me.AT FIRST IT WAS JUST TO SEE HOW TRUE AND HOW HE COULD REALLY HELP ME FIX MY PROBLEM LITTLE DID I KNOW IT WAS HE SOLUTION TO MY GRIEVING PAIN.His name IS SHAKES SPEAR i think he was of great help cos i honest remember that he helped me save my marriage and made me helped myself to feel loved again.Its being one year and six months exactly since he cast a spell to make my husband stay till dead do us part and my husband is still with me now and we are happy and in love just like how we were for the first six months.I will be fully convinced if we get to celebrity our 50th year anniversary.I don’t want any body to see this article like it was meant to make you contact him.I am just sharing my experience on how Mutton helped me restore my marriage with spell casting and i should tell you he does not charge for his services all you are to do is to provide materials he will be needing for the spell casting.If you feel he can help you solve any of your problem contact him here OR this was what i used to contact him good luck.

  137. Hello To The World At Large,
    I am Miss Wacks.,From united states of America.I will start by saying to all that have experience heart break and also cant do with out there lover should please stop here and read up my story, So as you will know how to go solving or getting your ex back from this spell caster..AND AGAIN I WILL WANT TO ALSO TELL ALL THAT THIS SPELL CASTER I WILL WANT TO TELL THE WHOLE WORLD ABOUT IS HARMLESS AND DO NOT HAVE ANY SIDE EFFECT, BUT TO RESTORE AND GIVE YOU BACK WHAT YOU DESERVE, COS WHEN I MEET WITH THIS SPELL CASTER THAT WAS INTRODUCED TO ME BY THE WIFE OF MY BOSS IN MY WORKING PLACE, HE MADE IT CLEAR THAT HE CAN CAST SPELL ON SO MANY OTHER PROBLEMS EXCEPT IN GETTING YOUR EX OR MAKING YOUR LOVER TO LOVE YOU MORE THAT WILL SUITE YOU. Last year December, My lover was cheating on me and was not also give me the attention that a man should give to a woman,And really that was troubling my mind and tearing my heart apart to the extent that i was not concentrating in the office the way i use to before the break up by my lover.And before that incident,I always see how my boss use to love his wife so much. I was binging to think that i was not doing the right thing to him that will make him love me forever,So i really gathered my courage and went to my boss wife office to ask her the secret that made her husband love her so dearly,In the first place she refused in telling me,She asked me why i am asking her such a question,That if is it not normal for every man to love his wife.I told her the reason that made me ask her about this question,That my lover started cheating on me lately,When i knelt down before her for her to see my seriousness in this issue that i went to ask her,She opened up to me by telling me that i should not tell anybody about what she want to tell me,The wife to my boss started to say to me that she used a very powerful spell on his husband to love her,And the spell that she used is harmless, But the spell is just to make him love her and never to look for any other woman except her. I QUICKLY ASK HER HOW DID SHE GET TO KNOW THIS GREAT,POWER,DURABLE AND PERFECT WORK SPELL CASTER,she said that a friend of hers also introduce her to him. Then i also ask her how i can meet with this spell caster.SHE SAID EVERYTHING TO ME,THAT THE NAME OF THIS SPELL CASTER IS SHAKES SPEAR ORACLE TEMPLE.My next question to her was how can i get this wonderful spell caster,She said she is going to give me the email of the spell caster for me to contact him for my problem,Really she gave to me this spell caster email and i contacted him and explained all to him,And after every thing that needed to be done by the spell caster, In the next two days, My lover that hated me so much came to house begging for forgiveness and i was so glad that i have finally gotten my heart desire..I was so grateful to this spell caster for what he has done for my life.. So i made a promise to him that i will always continue telling the world about his wonderful work towards me and also to other that came to you before and also the people that will also get to you from my story that i narrated online now..I will want to say to the entire world that you should not cry over noting again, That there is a great man that has been helping individuals to restore there Joy and smile in there faces !! The direct email to get this man is : OR ,This is what i want to tell you all out there,That is thinking that all hope is lost ok.CONTACT SHAKES SPEAR TODAY:: OR


    Miss Wacks.

  138. Authority is king! The spell that i provide is the ultimate fast results, It can be hard to find the exact spell caster you need, when you don’t know what to look for in a professional spell caster. The best spell casters are not easy to pick out! Many hearts are broken every day and many people suffer in vain. Don’t be one of them. Let me help you with your case. My powerful spells can STOP A DIVORCE and much more! and I am considered one of the most powerful spell casters with white magic. I can help you. I have a big range of powerful spells to use for your needs. What outcome do you want? You might wonder how the spells will affect you? Will the spell be helpful? YES!
    The spells I cast for you will not have any unwanted side effects such as bad Karma. As long as the intentions are pure out of love as I am sure they are, right?. Magic is actually an energy from mother earth that can be controlled. You yourself might even be able to do it after years of practice. I give 100% in every spell casting and as a professional I make sure all goes right. I give 100% to make you are satisfied with my service. specializing in the fields of Love, Money, Power, Success, Sickness, Pregnancy, Marriage, Job, Protection, Lottery, Court Case, Luck. etc. provide the information below
    Your Full Name:_________
    Your Partner name:_________
    Your Contact number:_________
    Your country/Location:_________
    Your Partner’s address:_________
    The picture of both of you:_________
    Your complete address:_________
    With this information the spell will commence immediately and you will have to stay tune for more feed back from my shrine. You can as well call me today any time of your choice and i will give you all the attention.. CONTACT ME VIA EMAIL NOW: OR


  139. Thanks to Shakes Spear as he is a great spell caster who brought back my lover.....

    I want to tell everyone about my meeting with Prophet Shakes Spear who was able to bring back my ex lover within the period of 2days... At these moment i don't have anything to say than to appreciate the good works of Prophet Shakes Spear who you can simply reach at:

    1. He has got charms/spell to take away bad luck & give good luck in life

    2. He fix broken relationships, marriages

    3. He treats Beareness

    4. He fight evil/ witchcraft/ ghost/bad spell/curses/bad dreams& cleans homes.

    5. He bring back lost lover/family

    6. He Makes court cases/divorces/bad debts to disappear.

    7. He has herbs for losing weight

    8. He solve financial and domestic difficulties

    9. He has a spell charm to bring back stolen goods.

    10. He has got a sale quick potions to boost customers in business.

    11. He can make you gain promotions at work place.

    12. He can make your admired partner to be yours.

    13. He has herbs to make long live with HIV

    14. He has something to make you have lot of children.

    15. He has a spell/charms that can make you have a good job.

    16. He can stop someone to interfere in your love relationship/family

    17. He has mixtures of herbs for sexual weakness.

    18. He has herbs to enlarge your sexual system to satisfy your partner.

    19. He cure madness/stress/addictions/long illnesses.

    20. He treat sexual transmitted infections quickly.

    21. He has lucky spells/charm to increase your wealthy.

    22. He has charms for gambling/lotto/ casinos.

    23. He has powerful herbs for curing early ejaculations.

    24. he has charms to protect away from car robbers/hijacker/properties attack& Etc

    contact me of any of these today at: OR ..... WE GOT SOLUTION TO ALL PROBLEMS HERE ...

  140. I am DR SHAKES SPEAR, I welcome you all to my world of spiritual temple of solution i want to assure you that what so ever you contacted me for will come to pass with the powers of my ancestors. i want to let you know that i am here to help you in any problem you might be facing, i have been in the field of helping people for over 55years now, i want to let you know that i have helped solving over 7000 people with so many problems in different countries and they have never stopped calling me to thank me for the good work i have done for them. My good work has spread to so many countries, why, is because they have seen my good work and they helped me spread it all over to the whole world. I want to let you know that the moment you contact me just consider all your problems solved because i know that once i commence on your spell work you are going to testify to the whole world here,Email me via address.( OR

    Are you passing through any of these problems,




























    If you are facing any of these problems all you just need do is to contact via email ( OR )and it will be handle with full force and with my oracle and ancestors beside me i want to make you testify just the same way other people did that i have helped. Do not die in pain and silence email me so that your problems will be solved by me with full speed.I want welcome you again to my spell temple.If you have any problem that you want my help for just email me and immediately it will be solved. Here is my email address( OR )



    Hello and blessed are you who found me. My name is DR SHAKES SPEAR, and am here to help you change and transform your life in the most positive way possible. I use the power of white, black craft and Wicca and voodoo spell casting to help people just like you they get the love they want and the money they deserve.

    My love spell offer amazing and quick results. Do you want to find your soulmate? Do you want to reunite with a past lover and make him or her love you again? Do you need to bind a troublemaker from causing problems in your relationship? With my spell casting service, I can cast a love spell on your behalf that will help all of your wishes and dreams come true. I also do other custom spells, such as money spells, job spells, friendship spells, and good luck spells.

    You may have already tried the power of spells and prayers to get what you want. Although it is true that everyone has the ability to cast spells and perform magic, spell casting is like a muscle. Everyone has this 'muscle' but the more you use it, the stronger it gets, and the more things you are able to do with it. If you are not an experienced spell caster, your spell may not be as strong, and the results not as quick as you may desire.GET YOUR PROBLEMS SOLVE HERE AND BE FREE!!

    Hello to people that want to be Great,

    Note: This Spell casting do not have any effect on any one, But just to get your problem solve ok.
    Get your problem solve in master...You can get the bellow problems solve here.

    1. Bring back lost lover, even if lost for a long
    2. Remove bad spells from homes, business
    & customer attraction etc.
    3. Get promotion you have desired for a long time at work or in your career.
    4. Remove the black pot that keeps on taking your money away
    5. Find out why you are not progressing in life and the solution
    6. Eliminate in family fights
    7. Ensure excellent school grades even for children with mental disabilities
    8. Stop your marriage or relationship from
    breaking apart
    9. I destroy and can send back the Nikolos if requested
    10. We heal barrenness in women and disturbing menstruation
    11. Get you marriage to the lover of your choice
    12. Guarantee you win the troubling court cases & divorce no matter how what stage
    13. Ensure success in work and business
    14. Mental illness & bewitched
    15. Can’t sleep at night or walking at night
    16. Recover stolen property and
    whereabouts of people that hurt you.
    17. Bring supernatural luck into your home
    18. Extreme protection for those doing dangerous jobs like security guards, Bank manager, cash transporters, etc

    I have over 20 years of spell casting experience, and i have successfully cast spells to help hundreds of people improve their love life, financial situation, and happiness.


  142. My Name is ADAEZE..I never believed in Love Spells or Magics until I met this special spell caster when i went to Africa to Execute some business..He is really powerful..My wife divorce me with no reason for almost 4 years and i tried all i could to have her back cos i really love her so much but all my effort did not work out.. we met at our early age at the college and we both have feelings for each other and we got married happily for 5 years with no kid and she woke up one morning and she told me she’s going on a divorce..i thought it was a joke and when she came back from work she tender to me a divorce letter and she packed all her loads from my house..i ran mad and i tried all i could to have her back but all did not work out..i was lonely for almost 4 years…So when i told the spell caster what happened he said he will help me and he asked for her full name and her picture..i gave him that..At first i was skeptical but i gave it a try cos h ave tried so many spell casters and there is no solution…so when he finished with the readings,he got back to me that she’s with a man and that man is the reason why she left me…The spell caster said he will help me with a spell that will surely bring her back.but i never believe all this…he told me i will see a positive result within 3 days..3 days later,she called me herself and came to me apologizing and she told me she will come back to me..I cant believe this,it was like a dream cos i never believe this will work out after trying many spell casters and there is no solution..The spell caster is so powerful and after that he helped me with a pregnancy spell and my wife got pregnant a month later..we are now happy been together again and with lovely kid..This spell caster has really changed my life and i will forever thankful to him..he has helped many friends too with similar problem too and they are happy and thankful to him..This man is indeed the most powerful spell caster have ever experienced in life..Am Posting this to the Forum in case there is anyone who has similar problem and still looking for a way can reach him here: OR CONTACT THIS POWERFUL SPELL CASTER TODAY VIA OR


  143. My Name is QUEEN.I will love to share my testimony to all the people in the forum cos i never thought i will have my girlfriend back and she means so much to me..The girl i want to get marry to left me 4 weeks to our wedding for another man..,When i called her she never picked my calls,She deleted me on her facebook and she changed her facebook status from married to Single...when i went to her to her place of work she told her boss she never want to see me..I lost my job as a result of this cos i cant get myself anymore,my life was upside down and everything did not go smooth with my life...I tried all i could do to have her back to all did not work out until i met a Man when i Travel to Africa to execute some business have been developing some years back..I told him my problem and all have passed through in getting her back and how i lost my job...he told me he gonna help me...i don't believe that in the first place.but he swore he will help me out and he told me the reason why my girlfriend left me and also told me some hidden secrets.i was amazed when i heard that from him..he said he will cast a spell for me and i will see the results in the next couple of days..then i travel back to US the following day and i called him when i got home and he said he's busy casting those spells and he has bought all the materials needed for the spells,he said am gonna see positive results in the next 2 days that is Thursday...My girlfriend called me at exactly 12:35pm on Thursday and apologies for all she had done ..she said,she never knew what she's doing and her sudden behavior was not intentional and she promised not to do that was like am dreaming when i heard that from her and when we ended the call,i called the man and told him my wife called and he said i haven't seen anything yet... he said i will also get my job back in 3 days time..and when its Sunday,they called me at my place of work that i should resume working on Monday and they gonna compensate me for the time limit have spent at home without working..My life is back into shape,i have my girlfriend back and we are happily married now with kids and i have my job back too.This man is really powerful..if we have up to 20 people like him in the world,the world would have been a better place..he has also helped many of my friends to solve many problems and they are all happy now..Am posting this to the forum for anybody that is interested in meeting the man for can mail him to OR I cant give out his number cos he told me he don't want to be disturbed by many people across the world..he said his email is okay and he' will replied to any emails asap..hope he helped u out too..good OR AGAIN HIS EMAIL ADDRESS IS: OR

  144. i want to thank Dr. umutu for the great help he render to me after my boyfriend broke up with me. during my search on the internet a came across Dr umutu profile on how he has reunite broken relationship and restore broken marriage, then i decided to contact him to help me get my boyfriend back and after he has cast the for me my boyfriend came back to me within 2dayswith great joy in my heart i want to thank him and also recommend his great work to everyone looking for help on how to get their ex back you can contact him via his email address

  145. Am Mrs Lisa Williams,Am giving this testimonies for what problem solve temple did for me and my family,i was HIV negative,and also my child was jobless,with this his girl friend left him because he was jobless,but thank god to a friend of mine who introduced me to problem solve temple,as i am speaking right now am HIV negative and my son is now having a job with his girl friend back to him.for further information on how you will reach him,visit him at or reach him at +23408146109886 now.

  146. Am sinatral by name i want to thank Dr odudu for bring back my lover when i have no where to turned into at that process but when i contacted Dr odudu he make me happy like never before that is while am here to tell you people that are in pain of emotion to contact him now for help so that your joy can be restored in just 48hours here is the direct contact from Dr or call +2348051913076
    sinatral from Uk

  147. Am sinatral by name i want to thank Dr odudu for bring back my lover when i have no where to turned into at that process but when i contacted Dr odudu he make me happy like never before that is while am here to tell you people that are in pain of emotion to contact him now for help so that your joy can be restored in just 48hours here is the direct contact from Dr or call +2348051913076
    sinatral from Uk

  148. Read This. i Gracy try so many of this spell casters when my husbands tends to divorce me because he thought i keep a secret from him before we get married. they all ask of different thing with money and i provide to each because my husband is my life and i love him so much but they all disappoint me till the court finally sign our divorce document so we go apart last 3years 2012 march 15 i packed to my new day while i was alone( within February ) i just decide to get some knowledge on how to cope with divorce and forget the memories of my past husband because i thought he had marry another woman. while i was reading online i saw how Dr ( help some men and women get all they desired including healing the sick one. i just decide to contact oshogum also and just ask him how much his work cost but replied and said it free but i most tell the word how he solved my problem if he can do it. so i promised and he sent me the name of materials that his great god demand to get man back. my friend in Norway help me get the items because i could not get the materials here in Germany and she also send it to him. after two days he told me to call my husband but his number was disconnected but he direct me to call my husband work phone that i did, once my husband heard my voice he was very happy, he asked me were i was, i told him my new house. i was so surprise to him in my house. i never believe he can ever come back again. he beg for forgiveness and true love. We both go the same court to terminate the divorce agreement. Still like i am dreaming to see Davidson came back and we live together now even expecting our first kid soon. Thanks to Well you can contact him case you suffer any problem.


  149. My name is joy brown, am from maim USA. i want to use this opportunity to thank my great doctor who really made my life a pleasurable one today. This great man Dr okunade who brought my husband back to me, i had 2 lovely kids for my husband, about 3 years ago i and my husband has been into one quarrel or the other until he finally left me for one lady. i felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. i tried to be strong just for the kids but i could not control the pains that torments my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows anAd pains because i was really in love with my husband. Every day and night i think of him and always wish he would come back to me, until one day i met a good friend of mine that was also in a situation like me but her problem was her ex-boyfriend who she had an unwanted pregnancy for and he refused to take responsibility and dumped her. she told me that mine was a small case and that i shouldn't worry about it at all so i asked her what was the solution to my problems and she gave me this great man phone number and his email address. i was doubting if this man was the solution, so contacted this great man and he told me what to do and i deed them all, he told me to wait for just two day and that my husband will come crawling on his kneels just for forgiveness so i faithfully deed what this great man asked me to do and for sure after two days i heard a knock on the door, in a great surprise i saw him on his kneels and i was speechless, when he saw me, all he did was crying and asking me for forgiveness, from that day, all the pains and sorrows in my heart flew away,since then i and my husband and our lovely kids are happy.that's why i want to say a big thank you to Dr okunade. This great man made me to understand that theirs no problem on earth that has no solution so please if you know that you have this same problem or any problem that is similar, i will advise you to come straight to this great man. you can email him (

  150. My name is Anna from Canada I have to give this miraculous testimony, which is still unbelievable to me until now. I had a problem with my husband 5years ago, which lead to our break up. when he broke up with me, I was not my self again, i felt so empty inside me, my love and financial situation became worst, until a close friend of mine Lucy told me about a spell caster who helped her in the same problem, his name is Dr ADODO. I email Dr ADODO the spell caster and i told him my problem and, i did what he asked of me, to cut the long story short. Before i knew what was happening my husband called me and told me that he was coming back to me in just 2days and i was so happy to have him back to me. We have two kids together and we are happy. Thanks to Dr ADODO for saving my relationship and for also saving others own too. continue your good work sir, If you are interested to contact him and testify this blessings like me, the great spell caster email address is ( or call his mobile number +2348156784928 you are the best among all the spell caster online I hope you see my testimonies and also pray for my family too.(


  151. My name is Rachita from India. Dr. kizzekpe is just a dream come true for me. Words cant express how happy i am for what he did for me. He took away my sorrow and brought back my joy i less that 48 Hours. My husband who already filed a divorce suit against me in court. My husband now loves me so much now that he even took me for a honeymoon trip in Dubai. Dr. kizzekpe is just the best. Be careful about scammers claiming to be true spell casters. Google Dr.kizzekpe name and all you would see is wonderful testimonies of how he helped people. To Crown it all he is based in Europe and not Africa where we have all the scammers. Contact him directly via email :

  152. Stephen is my name, i am just so happy and don't know What more i can say in this life? how will i thank Lord Zilialia enough for the good job which he just did for me.i have been searching for long a real spell caster, for me to get who will help me get back my wife back but i have been scammed so many times by a lot of people who claim they are spell casters and are not, so i was tired of searching then one morning i visited a neighbor and she introduced me to this man Lord Zilialia and i contacted him and he make a spell for me in the night and after the spell he tells me what to do and i did it and immediately the thing was done he gave me assurance that my wife will start looking for me and pleading for me to accept her back and i was kind of not sure and what make me amaze he said just 2 days after that is when she will come and as i am talking to you people now my wife came back to me exactly the 2nd day as he said and now i am very happy. LORD ZILIALIA IS REAL!!!! you can contact Lord Zilialia through this email,



    hello to the every one on this forum ; am here to share my experience with dr oriomon about what he just did for me last week , for helping to reunited with my ex lover Mavis who broke up with me after 2 years of relationship because of his families did not like our relationship . but after Dr oriomon of has done his wonderful work for me i was so shock when i saw Mavis calls on phone asking me to come back to him that him is ready to stay with me and beg his families to love our relationship and he actually did so and with a support from DR ORIOMON his parents that never wanted to see both of us promise to sponsor our wedding by December as we are planing now . so with this great work done for me by DR oriomon i promise not to stop telling others about his good work in my life , so if any one also need his help here i will advice you contact him to via ( bye





    hello to the every one on this forum ; am here to share my experience with dr oriomon about what he just did for me last week , for helping to reunited with my ex lover Mavis who broke up with me after 2 years of relationship because of his families did not like our relationship . but after Dr oriomon of has done his wonderful work for me i was so shock when i saw Mavis calls on phone asking me to come back to him that him is ready to stay with me and beg his families to love our relationship and he actually did so and with a support from DR ORIOMON his parents that never wanted to see both of us promise to sponsor our wedding by December as we are planing now . so with this great work done for me by DR oriomon i promise not to stop telling others about his good work in my life , so if any one also need his help here i will advice you contact him to via ( bye



  155. Goodday
    My name is Kate Morrison from united states, i am here to thank DR OVIA the powerful spell caster that rescue me from HIV AIDS. I was diagnosed of this disease in the year 2012, and because of this, i was very unhappy with my life, and i went into research on how i can get cured, i contacted alot of spell casters and none of them could help me rather thay scammed me and took away my money without helping me. All this period of my life, i was sad and unhappy so one day as i was in the internet a decided to sign in a friend guestbook, only for me to see was a testimony of a lady on how she was helped by DR OVIA, so i was confused to contact him at the moment because i didn't want to be scammed again but after one week, i decided to contact him, so when i contacted him, he assure me that he will help me and i told him that many spell casters has also told me this but they all scammed me, he told me not to worry that he is going to help me, So i believe in him because all i wanted was to be cured, so he prepared a healing spell for me and told me to wait fot just 24 hours, after 24 hours, i went to the hospital for test and to me happines the test stated that i was cured from the disease.. This gladens my heart and everybody in the hospital was surprised even the Medical Doctor, So viewers DR OVIA is a God Gifted man and can help you to cure all types of sickness like HIV AIDS, CANCER, PILE, Kidney problem and lot's more. You can contact him through his email on ( For more details you can reach me on my ID

  156. Hello am JOYCE PHILIP,So trustworthy spell caster are still online?i never believed until i saw some post about Dr EHICARE on how he has helped lots of people on the internet.I told him i have had about him on internet and before i told him my problem,He has already told me what i came for and said people had scammed me off my money and added pain to my pain i was so shocked,He just told me that everything will be okay within 48 hours,i told him this was what does fake spell caster also told me,He said i should give him a try which i did.Truly am just short of words and over excited for what Dr EHICARE has done for me exactly when the 4 8hours was completed the call i got was from my lover that left me with pain for over a year,He said on phone JOYCE ,Can we talk in a sad and shy tone,i was like yes then he came to my house and apologized to me that he was sorry and proposed to me that same day and asked if i would marry him and i said yes,And our wedding will be in august friends you are coordinately invited am so happy,Thanks to Dr EHICARE you can contact him on
    All call him on +2347037098000.

  157. I want to thank God for using dr Inibokun as my source of salvation after 2 years

    of unemployment and my lover left me alone, i was left with a only broken heart

    until I met a Lady's testimony online on how she was helped by the same Dr.

    Inibokun, so i decided to contact him and when I told him all my problems, he

    laughed and said this is not a problem, everything will be fine in three days, if i

    could only provide everything he will ask me to provide. So i provided everything and Exactly on the third day, my ex lover call me surprisingly and what surprised me most was that a company i applied for more than four months earlier called and said I should resume work as soon as possible.Am very grateful to Dr. Inibokun. He was a great help and relief. Dear friends if you wish to contact him, his email is (

    He also makes the spells on the following
    (1) If you want your ex back.
    (2) if you need a divorce in your relationship
    (3) if you Want to be promoted in your office.
    (4) if you Would want men/women run after you.
    (5) If you want a child.
    (6) Do you want to be rich.
    (7) You want to tie your husband and wife to be yours forever.
    (8) If you need financial assistance.
    (9) if you are in need of Herbal Care.

    Contact him today at (
    Cheers friends!!! :)

  158. I want to thank God for using dr Inibokun as my source of salvation after 2 years

    of unemployment and my lover left me alone, i was left with a only broken heart

    until I met a Lady's testimony online on how she was helped by the same Dr.

    Inibokun, so i decided to contact him and when I told him all my problems, he

    laughed and said this is not a problem, everything will be fine in three days, if i

    could only provide everything he will ask me to provide. So i provided everything and Exactly on the third day, my ex lover call me surprisingly and what surprised me most was that a company i applied for more than four months earlier called and said I should resume work as soon as possible.Am very grateful to Dr. Inibokun. He was a great help and relief. Dear friends if you wish to contact him, his email is (

    He also makes the spells on the following
    (1) If you want your ex back.
    (2) if you need a divorce in your relationship
    (3) if you Want to be promoted in your office.
    (4) if you Would want men/women run after you.
    (5) If you want a child.
    (6) Do you want to be rich.
    (7) You want to tie your husband and wife to be yours forever.
    (8) If you need financial assistance.
    (9) if you are in need of Herbal Care.

    Contact him today at (
    Cheers friends!!! :)

  159. My life is back!!! After 8 years of marriage, my husband left me and left me with our three kids. I felt like my life was about to end, and was falling apart. I contacted Dr. OKORO LOVE SPELL and after I explained my problem, In just 3 days my husband came back to us and show me and my kids much love and apologize for all the pain he have bring to the family. We solved our issues, and we are even happier more than ever before Dr. OKORO you are the best spell caster. I really appreciate the love spell you cast for me to get the man back to my life i will keep sharing more testimonies to people about your good work. Thank you once again Dr. OKORO. You can also contact Dr. OKORO via email address: in case you are in any problem you can contact this man for help he is always there in his temple to help you solve your problem Contact Email is: CONTACT HIM TODAY VIA THIS EMAIL ADDRESS: AS HIS POWERS ARE SO STRONG AND VERY EFFECTIVE AND HAS NO BAD EFFECT INSTEAD IT HAVE A VERY GOOD RESULT AFTER CASTING THE SPELL.

    Dr. OKORO NUMBER: +2348053209149
    Contact Dr. OKORO Via email:


  160. After 10 years relationship with my boyfriend, he changed suddenly and stopped contacting me regularly, he would come up with excuses of not seeing me all the time. He stopped answering my calls and my sms and he stopped seeing me regularly. I then started catching him with different girls friends several times but every time he would say that he love me and that he needed some time to think about our relationship. But after l contacted Dr.okaya of spell cast temple he cast a love spell and after a day, my boyfriend started contacting me regularly and we moved in together after a few months and he was more open to me than before and he started spending more time with me than his friends. We eventually got married and we now have been married happily for 3 years with a son. Ever since Dr. okaya of OR OKAYASPELLHELP@GMAIL.COM helped me, my partner is very stable, faithful and closer to me than before


  161. After 10 years relationship with my boyfriend, he changed suddenly and stopped contacting me regularly, he would come up with excuses of not seeing me all the time. He stopped answering my calls and my sms and he stopped seeing me regularly. I then started catching him with different girls friends several times but every time he would say that he love me and that he needed some time to think about our relationship. But after l contacted Dr.okaya of spell cast temple he cast a love spell and after a day, my boyfriend started contacting me regularly and we moved in together after a few months and he was more open to me than before and he started spending more time with me than his friends. We eventually got married and we now have been married happily for 3 years with a son. Ever since Dr. okaya of OR OKAYASPELLHELP@GMAIL.COM helped me, my partner is very stable, faithful and closer to me than before


  162. After 10 years relationship with my boyfriend, he changed suddenly and stopped contacting me regularly, he would come up with excuses of not seeing me all the time. He stopped answering my calls and my sms and he stopped seeing me regularly. I then started catching him with different girls friends several times but every time he would say that he love me and that he needed some time to think about our relationship. But after l contacted Dr.okaya of spell cast temple he cast a love spell and after a day, my boyfriend started contacting me regularly and we moved in together after a few months and he was more open to me than before and he started spending more time with me than his friends. We eventually got married and we now have been married happily for 3 years with a son. Ever since Dr. okaya of OR OKAYASPELLHELP@GMAIL.COM helped me, my partner is very stable, faithful and closer to me than before

  163. My Name is Lee Kima, From United Kingdom. I wish to share my testimonies with the general public about what this man called Dr.henry olu has just done for me , this man has just brought back my lost Ex husband to me with his great spell, I was married to this man called Steven we were together for a long time and we loved our self’s but when I was unable to give him a child for 2 years he left me and told me he can’t continue anymore then I was now looking for ways to get him back until a friend of mine told me about this man and gave his contact email Dr henry olu. then you won't believe this when I contacted this man on my problems he prepared this spell cast and bring my lost husband back, and after a month I miss my month and go for a test and the result stated am pregnant am happy today am a mother of a baby girl, thank you once again the great Dr henry olu for what you have done for me, if you are out there passing through any of this problems listed below:

    (1) If you want your ex back.
    (2) if you always have bad dreams.
    (3) You want to be promoted in your office.
    (4) You want women/men to run after you.
    (5) If you want a child.
    (6) You want to be rich.
    (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
    (8) If you need financial assistance.
    (9) How you been scammed and you want to recover you lost money.
    (10)Stop Divorce
    Mobile number...+2348158266512
    Email...Dr henry olu. or

  164. My Name is Lee Kima, From United Kingdom. I wish to share my testimonies with the general public about what this man called Dr.henry olu has just done for me , this man has just brought back my lost Ex husband to me with his great spell, I was married to this man called Steven we were together for a long time and we loved our self’s but when I was unable to give him a child for 2 years he left me and told me he can’t continue anymore then I was now looking for ways to get him back until a friend of mine told me about this man and gave his contact email Dr henry olu. then you won't believe this when I contacted this man on my problems he prepared this spell cast and bring my lost husband back, and after a month I miss my month and go for a test and the result stated am pregnant am happy today am a mother of a baby girl, thank you once again the great Dr henry olu for what you have done for me, if you are out there passing through any of this problems listed below:

    (1) If you want your ex back.
    (2) if you always have bad dreams.
    (3) You want to be promoted in your office.
    (4) You want women/men to run after you.
    (5) If you want a child.
    (6) You want to be rich.
    (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever.
    (8) If you need financial assistance.
    (9) How you been scammed and you want to recover you lost money.
    (10)Stop Divorce
    Mobile number...+2348158266512
    Email...Dr henry olu. or

  165. I have been suffering from HIV/AIDS since 9yrs now, and i happen to have 2 kids for my husband, and now we cannot proceed to have another
    kids all because of my disease and now i have do all what a human like i and my husband can do just to get my disease healed, i have went to several places to seek for help not even one person could ever help, until i melt a comment on the daily news paper that was commented by Miss Marilyn about how this powerful traditional doctor help her get cured of the disease (HIV-AIDS) " my fellow beloved" i firstly taught having a help from a spiritual traditional healer was a wrong idea, but i think of these, will i continue to stress on these disease all day when i have someone to help me save my life?" so i gather all my faiths and put in all interest to contact him through his Email address at , so after i have mailed him of helping get my disease cured, i respond to me fast as possible that i should not be afraid, that he is a truthful and powerful doctor which i firstly claimed him to be. So after all set has been done,he promise me that i will be healed but on a condition that i provide him some items and obeyed all his oracle said. I did all by accepting his
    oracle fact and only to see that the following week Dr.Ero me on my mail box that my work is successfully done with his powers, i was firsts hocked and later arise to be the happiest woman on earth after i have concluded my final test on the hospital by my doctor that i am now HIV- Negative. My papers for check are with me and now i am happy and glad for his miraculous help and power. With these i must to everyone who might seek for any help, either for HIV cure or much more to contact him now at these following email now, Email:

  166. i am caston by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my husband after six(6) years of marriage just because another woman had a spell on him and he left me and the kid to suffer. one day when I was reading through the web, I saw a post on how this spell caster on this have help a woman to get back her husband and I gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a woman had a spell on my husband and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that I will have my husband back. I believed him and today I am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because I am now happy with my husband. Thanks for any one that may need His help here is the email address Dr AGBER OR CALL HI ON HIS MOBILE NUMBER +2348100515075


  167. My Name is clement..I never believed in Love Spells or Magics until I
    met this special spell caster when i went to Africa to Execute some
    business..He is really powerful..My wife divorce me with no reason for
    almost 4 years and i tried all i could to have her back cos i really
    love her so much but all my effort did not work out.. we met at our
    early age at the college and we both have feelings for each other and
    we got married happily for 5 years with no kid and she woke up one
    morning and she told me she's going on a divorce..i thought it was a
    joke and when she came back from work she tender to me a divorce
    letter and she packed all her loads from my house..i ran mad and i
    tried all i could to have her back but all did not work out..i was
    lonely for almost 4 years...So when i told the spell caster what
    happened he said he will help me and he asked for her full name and
    her picture..i gave him that..At first i was skeptical but i gave it a
    try cos have tried so many spell casters and there is no
    when he finished with the readings,he got back to me that she's with a
    man and that man is the reason why she left me...The spell caster said
    he will help me with a spell that will surely bring her back.but i
    never believe all this...he told me i will see a positive result
    within 5days..4days later,she called me herself and came to me
    apologizing and she told me she will come back to me..I cant believe
    this,it was like a dream cos i never believe this will work out after
    trying many spell casters and there is no solution..The spell caster
    is so powerful and after that he helped me with a pregnancy spell and
    my wife got pregnant a month later..we are now happy been together
    again and with lovely kid..This spell caster has really changed my
    life and i will forever thankful to him..he has helped many friends
    too with similar problem too and they are happy and thankful to
    him..This man is indeed the most powerful spell caster i have ever
    experienced in life..Am Posting this to the Forum in case there is
    anyone who has similar problem and still looking for a way
    can reach him to his personal email

  168. I never use to believe in spell casting until i met Great Baba a powerful spell caster who helped me to be a happy person again. My name is Sarah Kelly and i reside in USA. After 3 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me with three kids. I felt like my life was about to end and i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time. Thanks to a Great spell caster called Great Baba which i met online on one faithful day when I was browsing through the internet, i came across a lot of testimonies about this particular Great spell caster how he has helped so many people. he has helped people to bring back their Ex lover, some testified that he restores womb, cure cancer and other sickness, and so on. I also came across a testimony, it was about a woman called Amanda, she testified about how his spell made her to be pregnant after so many years of bareness and at the end of her testimony she dropped Great Baba's email address. After reading all these, i decided to give it a try and i contacted him and explained my problem to him and he assured me that in less than 48 hours, my husband will call me and beg for forgiveness but i thought it will not work. When he had finished casting the spell, the next day my husband called me and he was begging for forgiveness just as Great Baba said. This is not brain washing and after the spell has been cast, i realised that my husband love me like never before and the spell caster opened him up to know how much i love him and how much love we need to share. We are even happier now than before. Great Baba is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man. If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and a genuine spell caster to solve all your problems contact Great Baba now on he will help you solve your problems. Once again thank you Great Baba for your good deeds.

  169. I never use to believe in spell casting until i met Great Baba a powerful spell caster who helped me to be a happy person again. My name is Sarah Kelly and i reside in USA. After 3 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me with three kids. I felt like my life was about to end and i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time. Thanks to a Great spell caster called Great Baba which i met online on one faithful day when I was browsing through the internet, i came across a lot of testimonies about this particular Great spell caster how he has helped so many people. he has helped people to bring back their Ex lover, some testified that he restores womb, cure cancer and other sickness, and so on. I also came across a testimony, it was about a woman called Amanda, she testified about how his spell made her to be pregnant after so many years of bareness and at the end of her testimony she dropped Great Baba's email address. After reading all these, i decided to give it a try and i contacted him and explained my problem to him and he assured me that in less than 48 hours, my husband will call me and beg for forgiveness but i thought it will not work. When he had finished casting the spell, the next day my husband called me and he was begging for forgiveness just as Great Baba said. This is not brain washing and after the spell has been cast, i realized that my husband love me like never before and the spell caster opened him up to know how much i love him and how much love we need to share. We are even happier now than before. Great Baba is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man. If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and a genuine spell caster to solve all your problems contact Great Baba now on he will help you solve your problems. Once again thank you Great Baba for your good deeds.

  170. I have been reading about spell casting and its powers for a while but i never thought or it never occurred to me or i rather say that it happened that i never got myself in any situation that will make need the help of a spell caster.I read a lot of testimony on the internet on web pages, blog, and some on the Facebook page of some web site i linked with my Facebook with.I was more concerned about a certain spell caster MUTTON OSUN. That his name kept appearing on almost every comment form different individual claiming he has helped them a great deal in spell casting of all kind but mostly relationship problem that is from divorced man and women to lost love and cheating wife and husband was like don't even know the word to use.All of them had just one thing in common that he help then resolved their problem that even therapist could not solve i guess the problem was passed the place where talking was not doing any good at all.But some how i believed them and their story cos the testimony were just too real and were from different people.I just enjoyed reading how he help those people and asking myself how possible it was that this spell caster could do all this with no effect of what so ever.Year they said his spell had no negative effect on the person who asked the spell to be casted and the person the spell is casted upon.I just wanted to know how it worked so i tried it and now i am among those writing this to tell those like me reading that this MUTTON guy is real.I am a single 32 years old mom of two two girls.I have always had a thing for this guy or i would say i liked this guy but he was kind of a mess cos of the lost of his wife.Like he had nothing to leave for any more.He never came out of this house and even went he did he doesn't talk to anybody even i tried ti make a conversation he just smile so he doesn't look cruel and then walk away.At night you can hear him breaking things and sobbing.I wouldn't say i knew what he was feeling cos really i didn't know but i knew i could make him happy again but no matter how i tried to get close he shuts me out.I really liked him and hated to see him miserable i mean he still have a chance to be happy with me.Contacting MUTTON OSUN was really easy for me cos all those other article had an email address i could use to contact him.So i send him an email to him but i didn't get a responses immediately i mean it took three day before i saw his mail in response to my mail where he told me that he could help me make the guy to love.Am sorry i can mention my name or his cos i really don't know who is writing this thing i am writing.Any way i was not allowed to tell any one till i have seen the result and important he told me i needed some materials for the spell casting.Most people tend to thinking his asking you to pay for the spell but not you have the choice to buy these materials and send them to him or you can ask that he get them for you if you can get the materials or the cost of buy and ship them to him is to much.In my case i gave him money to get the materials cos it was way less expansive.I guess he made some kind of harmless powdery substance with those materials and sent them over to me.He asked that i follow this instructions on how to make the spell active which i did.I must warn you it take at least two day to be effective cos it was after two days the man that never talks to me knocked at my door asking if i would like to watch movies with him at his place form there we kicked off.We have been together for 4 months now and still counting he is a really nice man i can am the luckiest woman in the world.I mean this only means that what MUTTON did is working and it changed both our life for good.I will also leave his mail here you contact purpose >>

  171. My ex-boy dumped me 4 months ago after I accused him of seeing another woman and insulting him.I want him back in my life but he refused to have any contact with me. he changed his line and email address. I was so confuse and don't know what to do. So I reach to the internet for help and I saw a testimonies of how this powerful spell caster help them to get their ex back. So I contact the spell caster whose name is Dr Ekpiku and explain my problem to him and he cast a spell for me and assure me of 2days that my ex will return to me, and to my greatest surprise the Second day my ex came knocking at my door and i immediately pleaded and ask him to forgive me. I am so happy that my love is back again and not only that,i was awarded a contract of 5 Million Pounds for 4 years. Once again thank you Dr Ekpiku,you are truly talented and gifted. Email: {}. He is the only answer. He can be of great help and I will not stop publishing his good work because people are still talking about him on the Internet and Radio Stations

  172. I never use to believe in spell casting until i met Great Baba a powerful spell caster who helped me to be a happy person again. My name is Sarah Kelly and i reside in USA. After 3 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me with three kids. I felt like my life was about to end and i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time. Thanks to a Great spell caster called Great Baba which i met online on one faithful day when I was browsing through the internet, i came across a lot of testimonies about this particular Great spell caster how he has helped so many people. he has helped people to bring back their Ex lover, some testified that he restores womb, cure cancer and other sickness, and so on. I also came across a testimony, it was about a woman called Amanda, she testified about how his spell made her to be pregnant after so many years of bareness and at the end of her testimony she dropped Great Baba's email address. After reading all these, i decided to give it a try and i contacted him and explained my problem to him and he assured me that in less than 48 hours, my husband will call me and beg for forgiveness but i thought it will not work. When he had finished casting the spell, the next day my husband called me and he was begging for forgiveness just as Great Baba said. This is not brain washing and after the spell has been cast, i realized that my husband love me like never before and the spell caster opened him up to know how much i love him and how much love we need to share. We are even happier now than before. Great Baba is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man. If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and a genuine spell caster to solve all your problems contact Great Baba now on he will help you solve your problems. Once again thank you Great Baba for your good deeds.


  173. Am here to testify of a great spell caster who is very straight forward with his way of casting spells. When my husband left me for another woman i was so confused,but one a day a friend of mine gave me the email address of this great spell caster called dr zizi, I contacted this man and explained to him all that i was going through,he then told me to be calm and not worry anymore because my case is a very easy one. At first i never believe all that he was saying until when my husband returned home two days later begging me to forgive him all that he has done to me and to please accept him back into my life,I was so amazed,I never believe it was going to happen that fast.
    This man is truly great indeed. Contact him today for a perfect solution to your love problem, and +2348101814609



  174. My names are joan jane am from USA i want to use this
    opportunity to thank my great doctor who really made my life a
    pleasurable one today. This great Doctor brought my husband back to
    me, i had 3 lovely kids for my husband, about 3 years ago i and my
    husband has been into one quarrel or the other until he finally left
    me for one lady. i felt my life was over and my kids thought then
    will never see their father again. i tried to be strong just for the
    kids but i couldn't control the pains that torments my heart, my
    heart was filled with sorrows and pains because i was really in love
    with my husband. Every day and night i think of him and i always wish he
    will come back to me, until one day i met a good friend of mine that
    was also in a situation like me but her problem was her ex-boyfriend
    who she had an unwanted pregnancy for and he refused to take
    responsibility and dumped her. she told me that mine was a small case
    and that i shouldn't worry about it at all so i asked her what was the
    solution to my problems and she gave me this great man phone number
    and his email address. i was doubting if this man was the solution, so i
    contacted this great man and he told me what to do and i deed them
    all, he told me to wait for just seven days and that my husband will come
    crawling on his kneels just for forgiveness so i faithfully deed what
    this great man asked me to do and for sure after four days i heard a
    knock on the door, in a great surprise i saw him on his kneels and i
    was speechless, when he saw me, all he did was crying and asking me
    for forgiveness, from that day, all the pains and sorrows in my heart
    flew away,since then i and my husband and our lovely kids are
    happy.that is why i want to say a big thanks to Doctor okogie. This
    great man made me to understand that there is know problem on earth that
    has no solution so please if you know that you have this same problem
    or any problem that is similar, i will advise you to come straight to
    this great man. you can email him at

  175. Hello Good Friends

    My name is Jennifer McDonald, from USA I never believed in love spells or magic until i met this spell caster once when i went to Africa in February this year on a business summit. I meant a man who’s name is Dr.Irehobhude he is really powerful and could help cast spells to bring back one’s gone, lost, misbehaving lover and magic money spell or spell for a good job or luck spell .I’m now happy & a living testimony cos the man i had wanted to marry left me 3 weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down cos our relationship has been on for 5 years. I really loved him, but his mother was against us and he had no good paying job. So when i met this spell caster, i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him. At first i was undecided, skeptical and doubtful, but i just gave it a try. And in 7 days when i returned to usa, my boyfriend (now husband) called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married. I didn’t believe it cos the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do. Well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid, and my husband also got the new job and our lives became much better. His email is

    His Name: Dr.Irehobhude

  176. End your financial worries today:

    I am from Latvian I can smile with this God Fearing man I received a loan of € 76,000 and two of my colleagues have also received loans from this man without any difficulty. I advise you not to choose the wrong person if you actually apply for a cash loan for your project and any other. I publish this message because Mr.Andres Williams made me feel blessed with his loan. It is through a friend I met this honest and generous God fearing man who helped me get this loan fund to regulate your life, You needed financial help, You are stuck, No access to bank credit, or do not have the benefit of a bank, you need to finance your construction, real estate development, creating your own business up your personal business, you have seen and need to make money, a bad credit or need money to pay bills or debts. So I advise you out there to kindly contact and meet you for the services you ask of him. His contact address:
    Contact him for more information, be clear and honest.

    His Email:

  177. Hi My name is "paul mark" just want to share my experience with the world on how i got my love back and saved my marriage.because i really love SONNIA so much that i can not even do without. I was married for 7years with sonnia and 2kids and we lived happily until things started getting ugly and we had fights and arguments almost every time... it got worse at a point that she filed for divorce... I tried my best to make her change her mind & stay with me cause i loved her with all my heart and didn't want to loose her but everything just didn't work out... she moved out of the house and still went ahead to file for divorce... I pleaded and tried everything but still nothing worked. The breakthrough came when someone introduced me to this wonderful, great spell caster who eventually helped me out... I have never been a fan of things like this but just decided to try reluctantly cause I was desperate and left with no choice... He did special prayers and used roots and herbs... Within 7 days she called me and was sorry for all the emotional trauma she had cost me, moved back to the house and we continue to live happily, the kids are happy too and we are expecting our third child. I have introduced him to a lot of couples with problems across the world and they have had good news... Just thought I should share my experience cause I strongly believe someone out there need's it... You can email him via Don't give up just yet, the different between "Ordinary" & "Extra-Ordinary" is the "Extra" so make extra effort to save your marriage/relationship if it's truly worth it.

