Monday, June 4, 2012

#bloggersdance: June Edition

On the first Monday of each summer month, bloggers everywhere will be humiliating themselves (more than usual) for a Bloggers Dance Party!  This is serious fun, y'all.

Be sure to follow this month's party at House TalkN and on Twitter.  You definitely don't want to miss these hi-lar-e-ass videos!

If you haven't seen my May video yet, you can watch it here.  Don't worry.  We'll wait on you.

Truth be told, I wasn't even going to make a video this month because I had an over-the-top idea that I couldn't find the energy to do.  But today, I made Plan B cry like a little girl.

Check out my infomercial on the hottest new exercise craze called DANCE WALKING.


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  1. Lol ... I loved it ... the best part was walking your child into school lol .. Im gonna have to do that one FORSURE!


    1. Brooke, I'm going to have to try that one for real once school starts back! :)

  2. Ok... I LOVE to dance walk and do it when ever I can. Of course, I am not as smooth as you and kinda look like I am having a seziure.

    Awesome, video!!!

    Yeah #BloggersDance

    1. Girl, I'd dance walk with you anywhere. #bloggersdance

  3. That is absolutely fabulous! I love embarrassing my kids. This is a great way to make an ass of myself!

  4. OMG.. Best video on a blog ever! Did your husband record this for you?? He must love you :) & I love how embarrassed your daughter is! hahaha.

    1. My husband did record it! Except for the costume videos at the end (my daughter recorded those.) And yes, he must love me... and I mean REALLY love me. :)

  5. I'm going to use it to make the kids behave. "If you don't behave, I'm going to dance walk all over this store AND your next ballgame!" Do you have t-shirts? Love your blog. I'm more addicted to it than coffee now...probably!! LOL! I HEREBY PROMISE TO DANCE WALK IN THE STORE THIS WEEK. I'll let you know how it went and if I need bail money.

    1. And if you get it on video, I'll not only bail you out of jail, but I'll also take you out for a beer afterward! :)

  6. I love this SO HARD. Balls, lady...big ones. Gotta agree with Brooke - my favorite was the school scene. LMAO!

    1. She was only acting in that school scene. Because if that had been for real, she would have never gotten out of the car! :)

  7. My favorite was the grunge at the end. Totally unexpected!!

    1. Some people have asked how I threw it together if I used costumes, but I had all those costumes at my house already. BOOM. :) That Slash shirt is one of my favorites! :)

  8. My internet is being wiggy so it kept pausing on me, but seeing you dance STALKING your child into the school made my perseverance totally worth it. All of it was hilarious! I don't know if I could even handle Plan A

    I had video fail yesterday. Maybe by the end of the week. I'm not worthy. Ellen

    1. Technical problems slowly crush every one of my vlog dreams. Can't wait to see your video, though! You got some HAWT moves!!

  9. Bwahahaha! Omg so loved the costume changes atthe end. I cannot believe your daughter helped without freaking out at the end there. Mine is all seriously? Not at my school!

    That was excellent. Note to self: incorporate costume changes in my next #bloggersdance


    1. Bailey was fine with helping out BECAUSE SCHOOL IS OUT FOR SUMMER. ;) If I had asked her to do that while school was in session, she would have disowned me faster than you can say "#bloggersdance" :)

  10. AWESOME! Love it! You've got the BEST moves!

  11. Ok- you are hilarious!!! Loved this video- I am so excited to do this great blog dance...Looks like I need to step it up- dang girl- you got moves!! Loved it!!

    1. Bloggers Dance is so much fun! I'm glad I decided to throw this video together and not 'call in sick' after all. :)

  12. I love your energy... You dance like my inner diva used to dance before PPD took over my body and my life.
    Thanks for giving me a visual reminder of where I want to be.
